I'm home, Hajime

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Oikawa : "Damn, I feel so tired..."

The brunette stared at the ceiling, not moving a single inch. He wasn't even in his bed, just above the covers, staring blankly at this goddamn ceiling. Nothing else he had to do after all. Maybe eat, but he wasn't hungry at the moment. He was just... tired. So he decided to close his eyes for a little bit. A nap wouldn't hurt right ? Maybe then he'd regain a little bit of energy. Just enough to get his ass off of bed.

Oikawa : "I sound both hopeless and depressive. Haha, I'm truly ridiculous. Right Iwa-chan ?"

And on those words he closed his eyes, gradually drifting into sleep.




It felt nice.













Oikawa : "Hold on- Warm ?? Familiar ?? I don't even have covers on me ! And the weather's shit today, so how ??"

Oikawa opens his eyes abruptly, only to be met with the most beautiful and soothing view he's ever seen. He stood in the middle of a garden, the wind gently blowing, the sky being sunset-colored. It felt warm, nice, familiar.

He was standing in the middle of this endless field, in those sweatpants and that shirt he didn't take off for weeks and weeks. To be fair, the brunette was rather lost : Just what exactly is that place ? And what was he doing here ?

Intrigued and amazed at the same time, Tooru looked all around him, spinning around himself several times. And then... he heard a voice he didn't hear in a while : his dear Iwa-chan's angry voice.

Iwaizumi (?): "Stop spinning like that, stupid Tooru ! You're gonna make yourself sick !"

It was a kid's voice. Iwaizumi's voice, but his kid voice. In shock, the grown man turned around, only to be met with one of his memories playing in front of him. Him and his childhood best friend, both as kids, trying to catch some beetles. It was in the middle of summer, and there were so many butterflies and flowers that Oikawa found pretty at the place that he wouldn't stop spinning around. He wanted to see all of them, and Iwaizumi yelled at him. And indeed, Oikawa saw his younger self get on his knees, a hand over his stomach and the other covering his mouth because all that intense spinning made him nauseous. And he got yelled at by his dear Iwa-chan. As always at this point.

Sighing nostalgically, Oikawa crouched down to be at the same eye level of these kid versions of his best friend and him. His gaze softened in absolute awe at how Iwaizumi was still helping him up and trying to calm him down. Yup, he ended up crying his eyeballs out and apologizing to "Hajime-chan", as he used to call him. Ahh, to go back to those days. Everything sure seems simpler and brighter in the eyes of a child. That was the case for him, at least.

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