☦︎ what started it all (?)

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author's note: hi guys sorry for the sudden change but I've decided to change everyone's ages. everyone will be 19 and y/n is 18

**and sorry for going on such a long hiatus I haven't been that motivated lately and then I had exams and I got a lotta work piling up but im back ill try to post as much as I can:)


Isn't he even going to fucking apologize? was all you could think of as you reached out to grab Baji's arm, dragging him to a place where you can get privacy.

"What, so you're going to pretend you didn't just tell the guys you finally got the little virgin bitch to fuck you?" you spat out, not intending to sound harsh but you couldn't help it. You were confused and scared, as this was the first time you were the person in those rumors people oh so casually spread everyday.

The perfect image you've maintained for so long was ruined, and all for what? This guy who doesn't even feel the slightest bit of admiration for you, nor did he even respected you.

"I don't give a fuck whatever you heard about but just know, I didn't and will never tell anyone about last night...and I'm really sorry I kept the truth from you," Baji apologizes, keeping his head bowed down so he wouldn't have to make eye contact.

"And you're really expecting me to believe you? Why did you even do that last night? It's not like we even have that kind of relationship," you said, your voice was stuttering, though you couldn't help it.

"It's fucking pointless trying to explain shit to you. You wouldn't even listen to me, but for your information, you came onto me first. Get your facts straight y/n," Baji says, shoving his hands in his pockets just so he could have something to do instead of standing still.

"Fine. You can go live your life fucking all the girls in the entire city, not even once thinking how they would feel knowing they're not the only ones. Just do whatever Baji, I don't give a shit," you said, your tone was icy cold all the time you have been talking to him, and even he didn't try to stop you when you walked away.

Mikey was the first one to spot you when you entered the cafeteria. Everyone else was still there, whispering to one another when they saw you walking towards them, no doubt talking about what just happened. Baji getting slapped in the face was definitely not a usual occurrence.

"Hey y/n, you okay? I.. I heard the rumors from a senior, but I swear Baji isn't the one spreading them," Mikey eventually spoke after a moment of silence.

"Yeah, there's no way he'd do that to you. He doesn't say, but he has a soft spot for you y/n. You should see the way he treats others," Draken added, but right now you weren't thinking about Baji or anyone. You just regretted what you did last night, and wanting more than ever to turn back time and undo everything.

"Hey, what if someone else saw you two? Haven't you thought of that possibility?" Mitsuya wondered, and turns to you.

"What? There's no way. The streets were deserted and it was late at night, who could possibly be there?" you muttered, deep in thought, trying to recall your memories.

"I'll deal with this later. I have to get to class. Later," you waved to Mikey and the others, as you walked back inside the school building.

All throughout the day you could hear people's hushed whispers, pointing, and vivid staring. Whether it was during class, walking down the halls, even going to the bathroom. You didn't know how long you could endure it for.

"Just ignore them y/n. I mean, they aren't true right?" Hina says, and you forgot she didn't know the truth. Maybe it was better if she didn't know. Who knows what she'll do to Baji when she finds out, especially since she knows about the past.

"Yeah, fucking assholes," you glared at the 2 guys who were staring at you, nudging each other smugly.

"Hey, finally got her to look over here," one of them laughs. He had dirty blonde hair, and wearing a matching black cap and hoodie. The kind of guy you'd definitely want to avoid.

"If I'd have known you weren't so innocent I would've asked you out ages ago. You got the looks," his friend walked over to you, putting his arm around without your consent, thinking he can toy around with you.

"Let go, son of a bitch," you quickly grabbed his arm, twisting his wrist until he screams in agony.

"Fuck she's crazy. Lets go man," he stuttered and they scattered away almost immediately when you reluctantly let go of his wrist.

"Holy shit you totally had that," Hina sighed in relief and you simply shrugged.

"I've only had myself to trust my whole life, you think I didn't pick up a few skills?"

* * *

Walking out of the school, you promised Mikey you'd meet up with him and the gang, and you spotted him loitering around the gates. The moment Baji's gaze fixated on you, he quickly mutters a few words to Mikey before making a speedy exit.


"Yo y/n, whatever beef you got with Baji you need to fix it now. I already got us all tickets to the amusement park and shit won't be the same without him," Mikey whines, grabbing onto your arm as an act of plea.

"Look Mikey, I really am trying but he isn't making it easy for me. I mean, you could always give that ticket to someone else in Toman or I just won't come?" you offered, but he shook his head.

"It really won't be the same without you or Baji. Just try to reason it out with him okay?" Draken added on, and for some reason, his words had oddly comforted you. But really, whenever you seem to be around Draken you always felt at ease. When was the last time someone had made you felt like this?

"Anyways do you guys wanna go out for some ramen? Sorry can't treat you guys today I haven't gotten paid yet," Mikey starts heading out towards the streets, not bothering to wait for a response. As usual, he gets what he wants.

"Sheesh Mikey, when's the last time you let us choose the place?" you asked in a hurtful tone, knowing full well that everyone was going to go with whatever Mikey said so it didn't really matter. This was how much he was respected, and it made you think how much of a good person he was to have earned everyone's trust. You really do look up to Mikey, and now you were able to walk alongside him as his friend.

. . .

"Who's he Mikey? Never seen him before in my life. And what's with his hair? It actually looks somewhat better than mine?!"

"Hey Baji get your ass over here," Mikey beckoned for the long-haired guy to where we were.

"Baji, this is y/n. Y/n, meet Keisuke Baji, the first division captain of Tokyo Manji gang,"

"Huh? This is the first division captain? My bad for having high expectations," you sighed exasperatedly, but clearly this guy wasn't quite satisfied with your response.

"Hey hey hey, don't go around assuming shit. I can beat your expectations by millions sweetheart," Baji grabs your chin, tilting it upwards so you had no other option but to face him directly into his intense menacing eyes.

You couldn't help the blush that followed almost immediately after.

Though you swore to forget about this moment, about how hard your heart was hammering against your chest that it felt like everyone could hear it, or your face that was a redder shade than the lipstick you wore on the night of prom. Maybe that's what started it all.

Your stupid little pointless one-sided crush.

. . .

"Goddamn it, why the fuck did you remember that memory out of everything? You must be out of your mind y/n.."

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