☦︎ his confession

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How long's it been now, probably weeks since you got in any sort of contact with Baji. Everything that reminded you of him, even his number you removed them without a second thought. Erasing every trace he has ever had on you. It's like you'd never even met him, though you were starting to think that maybe all this shit wouldn't have happened if you never even met the guy in the first place.

You were actually happy just hanging out with Hina, eating dorayakis on Mikey's motorcycle after a tiring day at school, and having to listen to his awful jokes.

The moment you laid eyes on Baji you knew things were never going to be the same. Your unrequited love, misunderstandings, the numerous false hopes you were given. It made you want to throw up just thinking about how painful it used to be, and only failed to realize how badly you were hurting until now, until it was too late. All this because you loved him.

You didn't care what the fuck would happen, you set aside your pride and ego for Baji, only for him to treat those fervent feelings of yours so lightly, tossing it aside like it was something so useless he couldn't bother holding onto it a little longer, understanding just how much he meant to you.

. . .

The situation right now was just as fucked up as ever. Baji had just stopped coming to school completely, though no one was blaming him for anything since it's always the girl who's at fault.

'What a sexist ass world we live in' you thought as you stepped into the school grounds, mentality prepared for the insults.

The rumors were still circling around the school, but had slightly faded in replacement of new ones of Mikey beating up some asshole yet again. You couldn't avoid the intimidating stares and glances people send your way every time you so much as made any movement. Walking down the halls and the canteen were the most unbearable. 'Slut', 'Hoe', 'Pathetic desperate virgin bitch' (by far the worse one you've heard) you were all used to those names you get called every single fucking day that you almost believed it yourself, if it weren't for Hina.

You had zero classes with Hina today so for once were you actually looking forward to lunch hour.

"Pay no attention to them, they don't know half the shit they're saying. Also pretty sure the asshole who called you a virgin bitch was just jealous she's been trying years to get Baji's attention and he never as so much looked her way," Hina attempts to comfort me as she tentatively sat down at your clearly avoided empty lunch table.

But it's always still the same old shitty feeling felt buried somewhere deep in your gut. What does it matter? You couldn't give two fucks about the countless girls in love with him, you just wanted a little gateway, a peek into his heart. He couldn't even give you that.

"Must be nice being attracted to complete assholes," you muttered under your breath before getting up to dump your untouched lunch tray. Hina followed suit.

As night fell, somehow Hina managed to drag you to one of the Toman meetings, claiming that "Mikey and the others miss you". She assured you that Baji wasn't going to be there, saving you the pettiness of having to ask. Your heart tightened less at this piece of information, heaving a sigh of great relief.

Remembering the countless times you would dress up nicely to these meetings just for Baji to even notice you in the slightest, a smile crept up on your face as you comfortably put on a t-shirt and jeans. It felt solacing. You hadn't felt this feeling of freedom in so long. It was often anticipation and nervousness at the thought of seeing Baji. Looking back on it now it felt rather suffocating.

"Y/n it's been weeks since you last saw us. I feel hurt," Mikey pouted childishly just like how he always was when something displeases him. You could only laugh sheepishly, mainly because your disappearance from Toman wasn't his fault, and you missed everyone.

"Well I'm here now aren't I? I'm really sorry, I'll make sure to treat you to as many dorayakis as you want," you gave Mikey a big hug and made a promise you weren't sure you can keep seeing as you were broke. Just as you pulled apart from him you can make out the familiar blonde braid belonging to Draken. Seeing his face enveloped you in a warm sensation of consolation and soothing familiarity. You could feel the corners of your mouth turning up.

"Hey y/n, it's been a while. How are you feeling?" Draken asks, his face tinted with concern but you weren't sure if they were purely out of pity, or he genuinely cared about you. You hated being pitied on more than anything. It shows weakness, fragility, feebleness. None which were good.

"I'm alright, thanks for asking. You're looking not too bad yourself Draken," you replied with a smile. Finally something of a conversation with someone other than Hina. You could feel your confidence slowly building back up.

Before Draken could response, a bunch of other Toman members crowded around, each taking turn to greet you after weeks of absence. You smiled at everyone, only one thought lingered in your head. I'm home. But something felt missing, like the last piece of puzzle that has yet to be placed, or an unsolvable murder mystery. A sharp, distasteful sentiment gnawed excruciatingly at your heart. It was almost as if you..

No that can't be it. You were over him. Over the little crush that was going near to nowhere. The countless chasing after him, false hope, only to be left with remnants of nothingness. He didn't like you. After years of hoping for a change of mind, it never came and it was now time to move on.

Draken's sudden voice disrupted your thoughts. He leaned it towards your ears, his lips barely brushed against it but it was enough to send pleasant chills down your spine, your face reddening by the second at his impulsive action.

"Come with me for a bit y/n," Draken whispered in his raspy voice, which you never noticed how attractive it sounded until now.

It felt rather unsettling, not knowing where he was going to lead you to. The two of you easily slipped through the dark crowds and wandered deep into the overcasted forest but it wasn't hard to make out the distinct path thanks to the luminous stars glimmering above. The fact that Draken's hand was firmly enclosed around your wrist, leading the way made it much easier.

When he finally stopped, he turned to look directly into your eyes with an expression you've never seen him make. He seemed so vulnerable, his face filled with tenderness, and something that almost seemed like affection, only that you completely dismissed the thought of Draken having any sort of feelings towards you.

"Y/n, I know you've just been through some shit, but if I don't tell you now, I don't know when I'll ever get the courage to do this again. I've liked you since the day I saw you walking in the school halls with Hina. I remembered the outfit you wore that day, a flowery dress that I thought looked like it came straight out of a vintage novel. I love your bubbly personality, and how you light up every room you enter. You can make even the saddest people feel good about themselves. You were never one to judge anyone, and let them freely express themselves. You've allowed me to be myself when I'm around you and I feel completed whenever I'm with you. Will you go out with me?" Draken had just confessed to me, saying all these sweet, affectionate words but all you could hear was a ringing in my ears, telling me this was all fake, it was just him feeling pitiful towards you. None of this was real because you didn't think you deserve anyone's love.

But this was reality, and Draken remained standing in front of you, his face clouded with anticipation and expectedness of your answer, which you didn't know, nor did you have one.

What the hell is happening?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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