the begining of A NEW LIFE

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i could not sleep last night just thinking about what happened yesterday o.m.g. what am i going to do. I mean was it my clothes or was it my makeup wait i dont wear makeup.

"honey WAKE UP "called my mom.
"I'm up mom no need to tell me"
So I got up got dressed and did all the girl stuff like hair hand smelling good 

the moment i stepped into class the classmates looked at me and shouted shes here! shes here! i looked really confused what the heck was going on then i saw nicky come up to my face angrily and saying  well lets fight.

"what?i dont want to fight you."

'oh really well ill start it for you."out of the blue was a black hand looking very ashey  coming onto my face and some blood out my mouth.

"um nicky i think you just messed with the wrong person" i said wwhipping the blood away from my both. i pushed her down then kicked her she got up and threw 4 punches so i threw 3x hers when i was done she pulled my hair so i pulled hers to she pulled  one fouth of mine and handful of mine  and i just pulled 2  handfull which left a balded spot she pushed me down on the floor and threw punches so i did the flip over on her down onto the floor  and in the backround all i could hear was fight! fight! fight!  I saw jake in the backround shaking his head at me I felt guilty but I had no choice. she got up and pushed me into the wall which really hurt so i slamded her onto the floor  then punched many times 

it got quiet i heard footsteps then a loud and nanliy voice said 

"you two young ladies are in big trouble."

"oh heck to the no this cant happen to me." i said quietly

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