What if yellowfang never became a medicine cat?

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I look at sagewhisker and think if I become a medicine cat I can't be with raggedpelt so the choice is obvious right? "No sagewhisker I am a warrior not a medicine cat I'm sorry" I turn to walk away when she says "then enjoy being a warrior" I leave the medicine den.

At the training hollow

"Hey raggedpelt I have some news" He turns and walks over "yes what is it?" I take a deep breath "I am staying as a warrior" he smiles and says "ok then let's get training"

3 moons later

My belly weights with my unborn kits reggedpelt runs over "do you want anything?" I snort with laughter "no and you can stop worrying I'm fine" he sighs with relief "good"
He turns to go but looks back "does that mean we can go hunting together?" I look and laugh "no!" He just turns walks away.

2 moons later

I feel pain I've never felt before I screech "ok yellow fang the first one out..." I barely hear the rest as another jolt of pain pulses through me after what felt like moon my kits were laying by me and suckling I smile tired.

2 sunrises had past since I gave birth to my kits me and raggedpelt decided on names the dark brown Tom was going to be named branchkit the grey one was stormkit and little one was redkit I licked each of their heads in turns purring reggedstar comes in and says "I am going to call a meeting for russetpaw and boulders warrior ceremony I look at the kits and decide it would be better to stay in the nursery "no thanks I better stay to make sure they are safe" he nods and walks out.

5 moons later

I hear a squeal from out of the nursery I slowly rise and walk out the site I see terrified me there was blood everywhere I look at redkit who lay still and I look around branchkit is limping and stormkit looks terrified "m-mom they were climbing the t-tree when branchkit slipped so r-redkit tried to reach him when she f-fell!" I am stunned by the shock I go to get sagewhisker but she's already here raggedpelt licks me in an attempt to comfort me but I just stare numbly.

We had sat vigle all night redkit had died from the fall I was grieving for my lost kit. I gasp up to the sky and think starclan has a way to punish every cat for their mistakes lick branchkit on the head "it's ok it's gonna best ok I promise" but did I just make a promise I can't keep I gaze into the distance tears sliding down my face. Please starclan keep my other kits safe please.

Ok here's what would not have happened if she chose to be a warrior
-she would never have lost 2 of her kits
-she never would have met firestar/paw/heart
-raggedstar would not have died so soon
-shadowclan would not have chased out windclan
-firepaw would still be paw not heart for longer because the battle wouldn't have happened with shadowclan
-without windclan being chased out there probably would be more battles between thunderclan and windclan

And I don't know if this would have happened in actuall but just a fan fiction

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