What longtail had won against rusty

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The taunts from the tabby get worse I look around and see him standing there I spring through the air landing on him he was not prepared for the attack so I had the advantage. I ripped my claws into one of his ears he screeches suddenly he has me pinned and pulled my collar back I can't breath the struggle gets worse until bluestar stops it "this kitty pet has lost the battle for his honour so he is banished from thunderclan" I look at bluestar "please no just give me one last chance please!" She says "chase him out longtail" he yowls in glee and he lunges at me I run as fast as possible I see a thunderpath I run toward it and bolt across longtail stops before it and yowls "and stay out kittypet" I keep moving suddenly a warrior lands on me pinning me to the ground I whimper "please don't kill me" he snorts "I won't stranger you seem a little lost kittypet" I now know these cats hate my kind "no I'm not a kittypet I'm a loner" he laughs no your not I can tell you have no muscle and your plump your a kittypet" I growl and lunge for his throat tearing my teeth into it he gurgles and falls sideways twitching.

Ok here are the things that would have gone wrong
-tiger claw would have taken over all the clans
-yelowfang would have died
-windclan would never come home
-the three would never exist
-brambleclaw would be evil
-sandstorm would be mates with dustpelt
-really the clans would end because the great journey never happened
-firestar never exists he became a rouge most likely joined scrouge
-cloudtail never existed
Brightpaw would have probably died
-bluestar never went mad because tigerclaw killed her
-yah everything would go wrong

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