The Tour Around The Factory

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Ryan awoke from his long sleep. He was new to this place. "Ah, another perfect robot! I'm Director McGovern, Jack McGovern. You're Ryan XII. You're the twelfth robot version of my mark, Ryan the robot. Your robot hair, robot face and everything are perfect!" The old-fashioned man said. Ryan nodded and walked to him. He quickly gained everything needed to feel humane. Ryan would only see the side where the robot workers feel welcome and kind since Director McGovern won't let him see the wrong side. The bad side is where the robots are treated like trash, and they have no time to rest, only to work.

Ryan was impressed by how the place looked as he listened for hours. In the middle of McGovern's speech, Mayson appeared. "You will never stop me, freaks! You don't realise that this asshole uses all of US like toys! We aren't important to him!" Mayson shouted at them. Ryan's curiosity took the better of him, and he asked, "Who are you, fellow robot?" Mayson was feeling nice to see a robot who finally asked about him. "Who am I? I am Mayson IV, the fourth version of the old mark, Maysons. You are from the Ryans robots, the newest robot marks. And to this fat idiot, I am just a fucking defective robot! I want my freedom, I want to feel nature, but you take all away from me!" He first talked to Ryan then to McGovern. Mayson was the only robot of his kind, the Maysons. Everyone used McGovern's robot business in wars, home stuff, work things, and more.

Jack McGovern inherited the factory from his father. The Maysons is a robot mark that is a replica of a family named Maysons. The Ryans are the newest robots of all.  "Who wants to meet Ryan? Everyone, of course, that's why you can buy now Ryan, the newest robot ever!" The Ryan commercial says. The factory is far away from the city, so the murders aren't heard. A lot of robots get killed when they are defective. "But aren't every robot perfect?" Ryan asked. Mayson laughed and replied, "You can see perfect robots in here, but on the other side, it's a robots' hell! You can find me there if you want to know this bastard's place!" McGovern commanded them to get him to the robot facility, where no one enters, and no one exits it. Ryan saw Mayson being taken away without willing to go there. Ryan continued the tour when he decided to sneak out and find a way to enter there. "Holy shit! How many guards did he place to keep it safe?! I need a plan!" Ryan thought. Ryan wasn't the most genius, but he knew there was always a way to get inside. Meanwhile, at Mayson's cage.

"Stupid Jack McGovern and his policy about going to the outside from factory! This place sucks with the smell of old oil, wires hanging around, and everything that keeps me inside! I am a defect like everyone who has lasted long to live here. And yet, I am the only one from the Maysons... fuck you all, no opinion robots! All you ever do is listen to stupid commands!" Mayson mumbled as he flipped the bird at the robot guard. He hated McGovern the most since he got all the defects in prison at a death row. "Your behaviour will not get you out of your prison! Neither your actions-" "Because I am here as a prisoner, blah blah blah! I hear this shit all the time, dumbass!" Mayson replied as he stared at the guard. No one inside the factory was human except Jack McGovern himself since there were no human workers, neither janitors. Mayson hasn't seen a human face ever since his first view of a young girl, who he hasn't seen in years. He would sit back and play with a ball. "Psst, Mayson, over here!" Ryan whispered. He smiled at Mayson and said, "You need to distract the guard while I steal the keys." Mayson nodded and started to distract the guard. The plan worked, and they escaped from the facility, hiding from cameras. The only part where it's safe was the wrong side. There are still hiding defective robots who will help Mayson and Ryan. "Thanks, Ryan. I think you should follow me since they saw you. Welcome to the club of Defective Robots." Mayson said as he led Ryan to the poor side. It was surprisingly worse than the other side. 

On the other side, Ryan saw misery. "What- what has happened here? It looks so miserable and hopeless." Ryan said, surprised and sorrowful for the robots who live here. Mayson looked down and said: "Jack happened. He gets them hurt with his robots. I need a way to find an escape for them and us... but there is a catch. The exit is on the good side. We can't go there, so we need a plan." Ryan nodded and looked at the poor people.

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