Welcome To Robot City

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Ryan was met by many robots, with them not being furious about his free will. Perfect robots are usually hated, but Ryan wasn't. A robot mechanic came and introduced himself as Harold the seventh, "Hello, young fellow. I am Harold VI, a mechanic robot who didn't last long. I can repair any of your legs, and maybe a friend who needs aid. Thanks for rescuing Mayson. We owe you for this." Ryan just smiled and replied, "I help a friend in need. You don't owe me anything..." The mayor of Robot City is a robot from the very first mark. His name is Jacob, the first as Ryan walked towards the mayor residence. "You must be Ryan XII, the twelfth version of Ryans. It's my pleasure to meet the perfect robot saving a defective robot from prison." Ryan scratched his head and said, "I want to know more about this war between you two. Why does everyone hate McGovern? And why is the exit so hard to go to?" Jacob knew that Ryan was curious, so he started to tell the story, "Before Jack killed our first superior and his father, Ronald McGovern, everything was fine. Robots and humans were on friendly terms, but since this happened, He fired the humans, and the machines became the workers, with the only goal of working to survive. The defects were a big issue for his business, so he got them on execution. Most of us survived. Others died. Ever since that, we have been surviving on our own. That's all you need to know why the exit is a big risk for all of us."

"What I mean by this is that he abandoned those who give him support. Аnd he took those who give him profits." Jacob finished his sentence, and Ryan was shocked about this. "Mayson seems like the only one who has hope for the exit. What makes him think he can get there? And why does he wishes to see that little girl?" Ryan asked. Jacob would get old drawings made by a girl Maria McGovern. He said to Ryan, "The girl he talks about is Maria. The only one who didn't think of us as evil and made her mind clear about her father's expectations. Mayson has the hope to see her. I can't blame him. He is just like everybody here. Willing to see the humans and explain everything." Ryan nodded and went outside of the mayor residence. Mayson greeted him, "Hey, Mr Perfect Robot, I want to show you your new home. It won't be some luxury house or something like this. It's just an old house, with your name on it." Ryan asked him, "Mayson, does here have a fortunate teller robot?" Mayson sighed and took Ryan to Cassandra V. "If the prophecy hasn't come to true. You must be Ryan the twelfth. I am Cassandra, the fortunate teller." "What prophecy is there, Cassandra? I want to know about it..."Ryan asked kindly.

Cassandra distortedly laughed and replied, "Let's hear about it. A perfect robot decided to join the defective robots to free them from their prison. His mark is the Ryans, and his robotic heart has chosen its path to unblock his friends and everyone sunken in the city. The perfect robots would want him from the perfects, but he will collect the parts for his colossal project. In the end, his best friend and partner-in-crime will die from oil loss, and his system won't work. The chosen's friend died as a hero, as an example of heroism, as the best friend of the chosen one and as a defective robot hero." Ryan realised he was the chosen one.

"You mean I am the chosen one, Cass?" He asked her. She smiled at him and said, "Only the time will tell. I can't see it, nor hear it. Only you can see if the gods choose you." And she closed her eyes, charging. Mayson entered in and said, "Hey, Ryan, my robot girlfriend is here. I want you to greet her." Ryan went outside and met Victoria IX. "Hi, I am Ryan XII, from the Ryans." Ryan greeted her. She replied, "I am Victoria IX, the ninth from the Victorias." Mayson and Victoria went around the city while Ryan walked around. "Number one hundred twenty-three is the apartment for the key I have. Number one hundred twenty-three, one hundred twenty-three!" He repeatedly told him, so he couldn't forget which number was. He found the room and unlocked it. He remembers that when he was with McGovern, he was the same number as a robot named Atlas. It seems this Atlas guy has left his house, well prepared for the chosen one. "Atlas, the hero of the defective robots. Atlas and the battle against the businessman. How much Atlas stuff is here? I guess I can go along with it." Ryan thought to himself, looking around his room.

"It seems he was the only one of this mark. It reminds me of BioShock, although I have never played this game." Ryan thought, looking at the picture with the guy named Atlas. Ryan had sound knowledge of BioShock and its timeline. It seems like the 1900s are gone, and it's twenty-one century. He would turn on the computer and play BioShock since he saw it, staying there. After some hours, Mayson called him. "Hey, Ryan, we would like you to come and plan our resource research," Mayson shouted. "Alright, just to do something, and I'll be there!"

Ryan replied, saving his gameplay and going out. He still had in mind what Cassandra said. He would take a short visit to her. "Oh, your greatness, tell me what will cause the colossal project to start?" Ryan asked, and Cassandra replied, "Your friend's girlfriend will die during this research. If you change it, it will happen in any way. You are the chosen one. Your goal is our freedom, our happiness. If you change your mind, the prophecy breaks itself down." Ryan nodded and went outside. Ryan was well known about it. He didn't want to change it, in one or either way, his will wished.

They'd meet a robot with the name Mario III. It seems he is a gift from Nintendo to McGovern's Robotics Factory. "Welcome to the base. I am Mario III, one and only Nintendo gift!" He said to them. Ryan noticed the rust on him. It seems he has gotten rusty over the years of his stay. Ryan would reply to him, "I am Ryan XII, a new version of the Ryans." Mario nodded and said, "I know you well, Ryan. Every robot around here is known to me. But damn, do I wish I could see sunlight? Yeah, I do wish. I might not be able to move quickly as your leader, but I know that you'll help us." "Why are you so sure about it?" Ryan asked. Mario made a sceptical face and replied, "I see enormous potential in you, young boy. You'll see what is coming." Mario III is the only one from Nintendo's Mario Robot. He has leadership mastery to make a plan, whether it will have deaths or not. He knows that the ones who are injured during the fight will get destroyed by their enemies.

Mario III, aka Mario the third, is an intelligent robot produced by Nintendo. He was made 34 years ago. Harold has improved his design ever since he has been there. Years enter in and out. Nothing is forever. After the preparation, the mission started. "Mayson, Victoria, you need to get on the top of the shelves. Ryan and I are going to meet both of you in front of the facility. We'll take out the guards and free the rest of our imprisoned citizens. And one, two, three, go go go!" Ryan followed Mario's commands, defeating the robot guards and freeing the defective robots. "Thank you so much. We have been tormented for a long time. Thank you, thank you." inaccurate robot #1 said, walking away. After this, the team meet up. "No air patrols have been detected while we have been looking, sire," Victoria said, holding the footage. Mario confusingly stated, "Strange... normally they are around-" "Guys, that's a trap! We need to get back to the city because the whole place had only ten robot guards, now!" Ryan shouted as he sensed it. "Team, cancel the plans. We gotta protect our city!"

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