Chapter 1

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This story begins with a King and a Queen that lived happily in a Kingdom called Domstarive. They both knew that something was wrong or that something was missing from their lives but they couldn't figure out what. One day when the King had some royal guests over and they started to talk about their Kingdoms futures, they were going to give them over to their lovely kids so they could get their happily ever after. Then it hit him, it was someone to take over the Kingdom after them. As children, they needed a mini version of themselves to take over the Kingdom after them. He left the room and walked as fast as possible to the Queen and basically shouted "IT'S A KID THAT WE'RE MISSING, DARLING". the Queen looked at him with big eyes and after a while it hit her that he was right. That was what was missing. So they decided to have a kid.

9 Months later The Queen gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl. They named her Aerial after a well known water elf that people thought was a myth. But the Queen knew that every single myth and story was true. In fact she had her own powers and so did the King. The King had the royal gift. The royal gift was the power of souls, which means that you can see an objects soul and memories and the Queen had weather control and manipulation. That is the power to control and manipulate all the different weathers and make them live. Luckily the little baby Princess got blessed with both of the powers but they kept it a secret from their people and just told them that they hadn't seen any signs of powers from her. They wanted to wait for it to be safe for her. That nobody would hurt her or use her for her powers.

Then one night, there was a huge storm over the Kingdom. The Queen tried to control it but it was too strong so she got really weak from using so much of her powers. The kingdom was blasted with thunder and lightning and the kingdom fell apart. Luckily it didn't take so long to reunite the Kingdom to try and rebuild the Kingdom to what it was before. But there was a problem. The Queen had gotten so sick from using so much power that after some months couldn't even get up from her bed anymore. The King was sad but decided that it was for the best that they would stop her from being in so much pain. So they gave her a drink that would kill her without her feeling any pain. It was the hardest decision ever made from the King and he was scared over what would happen to their baby girl Aerial.

2 years later the king decided to get remarried with this beautiful young woman because he knew that he couldn't raise a princess without a queen and the kingdom needed a queen. She was a rich girl from a noble family. She was much younger than the King but he didn't care about the age. All he cared about was his little girl and the future for the Kingdom.

3 months later they got married, but soon after the king saw what he had done. He had married a Witch. He had married Lydia the Witch of Black Magic Creatures. Things started to change and the Witch captured the King in a necklace. Little 2 year old Princess Aerial had seen everything and knew deep inside what the Witch was doing but the Witch said that if she didn't play along she would never see her dad ever again. The Witch told the whole Kingdom about the King and spread the lie that he had gotten really sick and died the night before. The Queen started to abuse the little poor Princess Aerial to keep her mouth shut. So Princess Aerial had to play along and she had promised herself that one day she would save her dad from the evil Witch and finally make the kingdom happy again.

The witch started to abuse the poor little girl Aerial, she was throwing stuff at her and saying mean stuff to her. Aerial got many bruises and scars that will never heal, but the Princess did not tell anyone. The Queen had forced her not to tell anyone or it would get alot worse. Sometimes she would lock Aerial down in an empty room, down in the basement. Aerial would be there all night, in darkness. 

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