Chapter 14

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We walked up to the East side of the river and I saw that he had made a flower heart on the ground.

- Handsome? What is this? I ask, turning to his face.

- Well Princess, this is a little surprise for you, He says and spins me around. I start to blush and hug him tight. He hugs me back and when we slowly pull away he leads me to the flowers and he gets in the middle with me. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. I look into his eyes and god they are still beautiful.

- You still have gorgeous eyes, I say quietly to him. He smiled at me and asks,

- What did you say gorgeous? I couldnt hear you. He started to laugh and all i could say was,

- Oh shut handsome, you heard me. I also started to laugh. He still holds my waist tight. He hugs me again and I could tell he was a bit nervous so i asked him,

- Why are you so nervous? I look into his eyes. He slowly let go of my waist and got a box from his pocket.

- What is that? I ask him. He just smiles and after some second he goes down on one knee. I slightly started to cry as I knew what he was gonna do.

- Princess Aerial, my love, my sweet, the worlds most gorgeous girl, I love you with all my heart and I know you just canceled your wedding but, would you be so kind and make me the happiest Person alive.... and marry me? He opens the box and reveals this beautiful diamond ring. I cry a lot but after finding my breath i say,

- YES! Of course I wanna marry you idiot! He puts the ring on my finger and gets up, picking me up and spinning me around in the air. He slowly puts me down and kisses my lips like never before. We both pull away and look at each other.

- How did I get so lucky? He asked, looking at me.

- I don't know. Maybe I'm the lucky one here, I say and start to blush even more. He hugs me tight and I do too.

- I'm sorry I started to overthink yesterday, I then said. Prince Levi slightly pulled away from the hug but not completely and looked at me and asked,

- What was it about? I take a deep breath and look up at him.

- Well a couple of days ago, you let go of me and got nervous and said that you had to do something, and you s-stuttered, I said and looked at him sad. He grabbed my waist tighter and said,

- I was planning this and didn't want you to know about it! He said and I sighed relieved. He looked at me and smiled.

- What did you think I did? He asked and I slightly looked down. He saw it and realised.

- You thought I would leave you? He said. I slightly nodded and hugged him. He hugged me back and said,

- Please don't think like that again, I would never leave you, got it? He said and I laughed. We were quiet for a while until I said,

- Can we stay like this forever? While having my head in his chest. He slightly giggles and says,

- Well if you ratter wanna stay like this then get married and have kids then sure, sweet. I giggled and said,

- Oh shut up idiot. He looks down at me.

- But i'm your idiot, right? He asked me with puppy eyes.

- Yes you're my "cute idiot", I say and laugh. He started to laugh too.

After a while we walked back up to the castle where everybody was waiting for us. I wasn't surprised that he had told them that he was gonna do it.

- You told them didn't you? I asked, laughing at him.

- Well i had to ask for your fathers blessing so...yeah i told them, he said and laughed too.

- Congratulations brother! Prince Edward came to us and said with a smile on his face.

- If you hadn't helped me it would have been a disaster, he said laughing with Prince Edward.

- But you did the hardest part, Prince Edward replied and laughed. Mei came to me and hugged me.

- I'm so so so SO happy for you Princess. I giggled and said,

- Thank you so much Mei, for all that you have done for me all these years, I smiled at her and she smiled back at me and said,

- It's my job Princess, but I like it alot. I hug her one more time before my father comes up to me. I pull away from Mei and go and hug my father tight.

- I'm so happy that you found someone for you, my father said and slowly pulled away from the hug. Prince Levi walks up to us and puts his arm around me. My father smiled at him and said,

- Don't break her heart boy. I giggled and looked up at Prince Levi.

- I would never, He said and grabbed my hand, still having his arm around me.

- We will leave you guys alone now, My father said and all of them started to walk inside while me and Prince Levi stayed outside. He spins me around and kisses my lips softly. We pull away and smile at each other.

- I love you sweet, Prince Levi said and put his forehead on my forehead. I smiled at him.

- I love you too, Idiot, I say and giggle.

- Lets go inside shall we? Prince Levi asked, slightly laughing. I giggled and responded,

- My room? Prince Levi looked at me and smiled.

- Sure sweet, He answered cutely. I let go of his neck and grabbed his hand tight, and basically dragged him to my room. When we get to my room, I flop down on my bed and Prince Levi does the same. He turn my face, facing him and say,

- Has anyone told you that you're gorgeous? I blushed and said,

- Well not from anyone important, I knew that he recognized that line from when I asked the same out his eyes.

- Taking my lines now! Prince Levi said and laughed. I laughed with him and said,

- Oh shut up Idiot. 

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