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---Outside of the school---

Fluttershy: Sparkle are you still singnging to our concert

Sparkle:oh...umm....yeh I changed my mind about that

Fluttershy: why?

Then Sparkle stood up and walked while talking....

Sparkle: Because I got the feeling something will go wr...Oops

Sparkle bump into someone, and said sorry, then Sparkle look under his hood and saw Fagma Dash!

( They whispred )

Sparkle: Dash!....Why are you here?!

Fagma Dash: I wanted to help you

Sparkle: what! are you insane

Fagma Dash: No, won't a friend help you

Applejack: Sparkle, who's that under a hood

Then Dash hold his hood and took it off ....

Fagma Dash: Hi I'm Fagma Dash Sparkle's Friend

All in Shocked

Twilight: Why did you come here?

Fagma Dash: To help Sparkle to sing in your concert

Sparkle: You knew all about this

All: Oooooo

Fagma Dash: Yeh, and your the one has a powerful voice

Sparkle: *Blushes*

Fagma Dash: Okay see ya

Then Dash walked inside the school then....

Applejack: I think someone has a little crush now, YOUR BLUSHING

Sparkle: No Im not

All: Yes you are

Rarity: Oh darling this could be fun with a....

Pinkie Pie: SLEEPOVER PARTY!!!! with pizza

---In Pinkie Pie's house---

Applejack: Hey Sparkle one question, Is Summerly a great singer too like you

All stares

Sparkle: Yes, she's a great singner like me, but not that great

All: *Nods*

Spike: What did I miss

Fluffy: Talking about dogs *giggles*

Twilight: Where just talking about Summerly

Spike: Summerly, okay

Sunset Shimmer: Speaking of Summerly what happens that she wears it

Sparkle: Take over the elements of Harmony

Sunset Shimmer: Okay

Then Applejack got her bass and played it

Sparkle and Twilight: Nice beat *Giggles*

Applejack: much applied

Then Applejack keeped playing then she was lifted up Then she winked and smiled then in the beat in the last theme her base went and she went crazy then.....

Applejack: Hoo weeh I'm the element of...

Sparkle: Helpfullness

Equestria girls 3_Finding MagicWhere stories live. Discover now