Mike Schmidt

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"MIKE! GET UP, YOU LAZY SACK OF-" the young man's mother screamed from downstairs. He decided to tune out his maternal parent before she finished her sentence. Mike Schmidt groaned as he got out of his bed. He glanced at his alarm clock. It read 1:25 PM. "God..." He thought to himself. "Mom's going to KILL me..."

As soon as the young man's feet were visible, Rebecca Schmidt commenced making Mike's morning a living hell. "I PAY FOR BOTH OF US, AND YOU STILL CAN'T GET OF YOUR LAZY, SORRY-" The man ignored his mother as he drowsily ate leftover chicken wings.

A few years ago, life was going great for Mike. He had just graduated college, and was ready to start a new life. That is, until, he was framed for helping a man murder children at a local pizzeria. Even though the claims were false, and Mike never was arrested, most business's would shun him, and some wouldn't even let him ask about a job. He had been living with his Mom, but his framing put him in a little depression. Since then, he woke up late, went to bed early, and barely talked.

"Seriously, you need to get your act together!" His mom chided. "Now I want you to go outside and find a job! Get a wife! Have some kids! Do something useful!" Mike groaned, stood up, and started to get ready for a day of rejection and lots of walking.

"This is crap!" Mike exclaimed. "Five hours and no luck!" The young man continued to storm down the street, raging and cursing. All of the sudden, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He whipped around, predicting to see something - nothing. Absolutely nothing. The sensation faded, and he began to think it was maybe an animal.

That was, until something hit him in the back of the head. "Son of a-" he swore under his breath. He saw a figure run into the woods a ways a way. He jumped over a ledge and disappeared behind it.

Mike decided to let the punk go, and he bent down to pick up the object. It was a fair sized rock, wrapped in a somewhat soggy newspaper. Mike was shocked how an object this heavy could be thrown such a long distance. He shrugged and unwrapped the stone. The object itself wasn't all that amazing. The coolest thing about it was that it looked like someone lazily spray painted a purple hand on it.

The interesting thing, however, was the newspaper. The caption read "HELP WANTED!", and below it was a picture of some kind of bear in a top hat. Mike continued to read the article. "Security guard needed at Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria! $120 a week! What could go wrong? Sign up today and become a part of Freddy's family!"

Mike stared, dumbfounded, at the paper before him. This was just what he needed! A real job, with real pay! Besides, he slept most of the day anyway. Doing a night shift wouldn't be too hard for him. He felt a rush of excitement as he dashed back home. Finally, something worthwhile!

Mike ran onto his street, only to find ambulances and police cruisers parked haphazardly around his home. "Oh, God, no..." He mumbled as he sprinted to an officer writing a report. "What happened??" Mike panted. "The woman here got poisoned some how," he replied, not looking up from his clipboard. Mike noticed his hands were stained a slight purple. "She'll be fine, but she's gotta stay in the hospital for a while." The young man nodded and ran into the ambulance that held his mother.

A few nurses were stationed around her, whispering in shushed, worried tones. Meanwhile, his mother was on a stretcher, unconscious. Her face and body was contorted in pain. "You must be her son!" One of the nurses exclaimed. "I don't mean to worry you, but this poisoning...was malicious."

"How?" Mike asked worriedly. "Her coffee was spiked with a drug known as 'Springtrap'. It isn't fatal, but it causes the user severe physical pain. It's only used for interrogation purposes in other countries. There is no way this could have been accidental."

Mike began to worry even more. Who would want to poison his mother? "Your mother will be under 24-hour care, but you are prohibited to visit for contamination reasons. For now, you should just continue with your normal routine. We'll call you if anything comes up." The nurses continued to whisper, and the Mike glumly walked out of the emergency vehicle.

"Excuse me, sir," a policeman asked as he walked towards him. "We have some questions." A few hours later, Mike was in his room, tired and tearing up. Who would do something like this?

That settles it, he thought to himself. Tomorrow, I'm going to Freddy's.

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