Everyone found parts for Misaki. Hanako was aggrieved with the fact that Yashiro was worried about the size of the body of Misaki. They then started hearing footsteps.
"I hear footsteps." Shiro says as m/n looks at the person. "Somethings coming toward us!" she said scared. As the figure came closer m/n's eyes widened and he smiled as he saw the figure.
(//°▽°//)[happy noises from m/n] "Finally" the figure said stepping into view. The others then looked at the figure too. She was taller than m/n. She was holding a lantern that was hanging from it. 'That's the voice from the phone calls' Yashiro thought to herself. The lady before them then opened her eyes and smiled at. .(remember she doesn't reveal her name yet)
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(there so u can see it with color)
"Nice to see you" She said. Kuo and Yahiro were confused and amazed at the same time. But Hanako wasn't because he already knew her but still jealous.. "SUTEKIIII!!"M/n said as he ran to her and they hugged. 'She's so pretty I didn't expect that..no wonder m/n likes her. Is she Misaki?! But how, wasn't she missing her entire body?'Yahiro thought. (wutdidshesayy) Misaki gasped, then m/n got down and watched her rush to the body of the manikin they put together. Kuo and Yahiro were startled a bit at her sudden movement but got over it as she passed them. She placed her hands on both sides of the manikin staring at it. "I can explain see. . we were trying to..u-uh.."Kuo said but then stopped talking at how intense the air was from her staring at the manikin. 'I know this looks, but I promise we tried..' Yashiro thought.
Misaki looked at them from the corner of her eye turning her head a little. They got startled at her intense staring that they jumped when she looked at them. They thought she was going to do something because the manikin was so ugly.
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"Well. . . . .its a wonderful body!" she said smiling at them. "mm, yeah?"Yashiro said uncovering her head. "So does that mean you like it?"Kuo asked confused. "This is quite a relief, I was in a terrible bind as you know. I had no idea what a human body was supposed to look like even though I've seen them before. But something inside me knew asking another human was the right thing to do." she said walking up to Yashiro shaking her hands. "o-oh cool" Yashiro nervously said. "This one is not like any of the other bodies I've seen so far. That's why I'm certain it will work." She continued, rubbing the left leg. "Work how?!" Yashiro said scared? "Don't you think so m/n..and my Misaki?" She said stroking its cheek with her hand smiling. M/n just looked the other way and frowned..he already knew what was gonna happen..call it..a hunch.
"Now, won't you please get up an walk for me?" she said as she stopped and blew a yell orb(dust) looking thing on the manikin. It started to get up and move. Kuo and Shiro were scared. Misaki was surprised an happy that it was moving. . . . until it fell...She walked over to it and picked up the head. "What a shame...another failure.." "U-um excuse me..I hope this isn't a bad time..but I've been meaning to ask you have you seen any other kids here dressed like me?" Yashiro asked her nervously.
"others'?..Oh, you mean the ones who failed, yes. . .there're many" [Drip] "All you have to do is look around you.." Yahiro's eyes widened in shock and fear..seeing her best friend with a piece of paper on her face that said the number two on it.
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[flashback I think]{"Later nae nae, get better! Call me"}
"It's Aoi!" Yashio said running to her with tears in her eyes. "Yashiro!"Hanako called out to her as Misaki sighed. "Wake up up Aoi, please! Can you hear me?" she pleaded shaking her a little. Aoi's head fell off, into the water..Misaki looked at it in disappointment. "It's been nothing but failure after failure..I think I've had enough.." she said. Yahiro's eyes were watering, the tears were ready to fall as she stared at her friend's lifeless body(literally).
"I suppose it's business as usual." Misaki says as scissors appear behind Yashiro about to cut her. "𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚢 𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚜" she said as Yahiro sat on her knees holding her friend's body.
M/n's eyes turned red as he-
I know I know..cliffhanger, everyone hates those EVEN ME but I'm sorry imma have to bc I have to get off, and before mah mom comes in the living room to see that I'm still on here. Just in case bc I don't want to get in trouble..
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Bye mini dumplings!