Ch. 26 - The Donuts (pt. 1)

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I HAD to write something for you guys bc TOMORROW is my due date for All my assignments and I'm gonna be doing a VERY LONG sem exam test for one of my classes that have 50 QUESTIONS!!!.・゚゚・( _ _ )・゚゚・..............and the other class has 34 I have 2 classes left and I'm gonna take the longer one I may not be able to have enough time tomorrow to write even a short update for this story tomorrow...AND bc writing the study guides take WAY TOO LONG......BUY ENJOY! (^ ^)


Yashiro was in class and the teacher was teaching(ofc). 

¨[flips page]And It's easy to get this part wrong, so pay attention¨ The teacher told the class, walking around reading...but for Yashiro, she was zoned out, thinking to herself.

'The truth is, he's right. I have been acting weird..'she thought and then groaned looking down at her paper.

¨(dk wut he said before that bc Yashiro was talking)ch = iba¨ He told the class.

'It's just that learning about Hanko and M/n's past in the 4 o'clock library, I see them differently...I haven't been able to look them in the eye since...'[Aoi -¨Bye, Bye!¨] they both waved at each other and went their separate ways. 

Yashiro headed to the garden. After she got there she put on her garden gloves. 'I hate feeling awkward...' She had picked up a mattock (its a garden tool)then raised it in the air...then she brought it down really fast-[HEAVE]'THAT DOESNT MEAN SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH ME!(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞'she began swiping at the bushes with her sickle(a Japanese garden tool)[Swip swip]'The things I saw in the library felt so real! Like they were actually happening, not just a memory!' Two Mokkes were sitting a ruler behind them(bc idk wut feet in a ruler are apparently)shaking, looking at her trim the bushes harshly.

(That flashback on ch. 24 was before Yugi and Tsukasa left m/n...alone)

She held the tool closed to her with a sad face. 'I have no idea what I'm gonna do about today. I'm supposed to clean the bathroom..but I'm not ready to face them yet'

¨Shut the barn door[Shiro gasps]Nene Yashiro's working in the fields? I always wondered who made It look so good¨ Kou said walking up to her looking at the beautiful flowers and vegetables all around.

¨Um, wha- Why're you here?!¨

¨Why not?(^^)¨He said smiling with his eyes closed.

He then squatted next to her. ¨Its just unexpected.. (・△・)՞՞Oh! Did M/n send you to get me, and Hanako? Bathroom duty time already?¨she asked.

¨Naahhh. I actually wanted to ask you for a favor¨

¨What is it?¨

¨Dont laugh....but you know how to make donuts?¨¨excuse(scuse) me?¨




Currently, in the Home Ec. Room

¨Oh man! I'm so glad you know how to cook. Mad respect. I asked m/n but he said he had something very important to do..['I wonder what that is'Yashiro thought]I tried to make something with my brother once but let's just say it didn't go as planned. I kinda made explsion¨

¨You think...(¬_¬|||)¨


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I hope you enjoyed this part 1 of..The Donuts U^U. And sorry its short...

\(º □ º l|l)/ Also, I GOT MAh PHONE BACCKKKK ^^(>▽<)Σ(°△°|||)...but I'm still gonna do it(write/update) on the computer for as long as I can, and until the computer has to be turned in! I will TRY to hurry and write my study guides so I can update..but if I cant get done by 1:50-2:00 pm, then I probably won't finish...the study guides are like 14-16 pages..and me writing them by hand takes EVEN longer....

♡❤OKAY! Bye Mini Dumplings! See you tomorrow..hopefully❤ ♡

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