CH. 14 - Her real name pt. 1: Misaki stairs pt. 4

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She walks closer as Shiro stands and faces her, holding Suteki's diary/journal same thing basically.

¨This was your journal, wasn't it?¨shiro asks Suteki.

¨It was¨ Suteki says back.

¨And you arent Misaki¨She asked as she squints her eyebrows.

¨No, it's Misaki's body that I want to collect. I figured using his name would eliminate explanations. Except for m/n..he already knows..because I told him¨ she told her, walking closer to Shiro.

¨YOU MONSTER¨ Shiro said closing her eyes then opening them again to talk. M/n's eyes widened. ¨Youre torturing people so you can build a body and call it Misaki!¨ After shiro said that Six of Suteki's dolls appeared at her feet.

¨I suppose¨ she says.

'I cant move my legs!' Shiro thought.

M/n started changing so now he was half white/black and black to red faded eyes.¨...Let her go Yako...¨

¨I can't really do that at the moment¨

(Okay m/n is a very strong apparition but YK he can't use his powers or hakujoudai without her permission so when I do this part just act like the scissors actually cut him in half...but they didn't do anything to him though he's fine KAY?)

Though she was a little scared that he changed half and half, she slices him in half. His eyes widen, but she knows he's gonna be a big problem if she doesn't and he vanishes. 

¨M/N!!!? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!¨ Yashiro yelled with tears starting to come in her eyes.

¨He'll be fine¨ she said. 'Although he'll be very angry at me.'

¨No, hold on you love Misaki didn't you? This does not seem like the kind of behavior that would make him very happy.-¨

She smiles wither her eyes closed, putting her hand close to her mouth. ¨My goodness¨ With that she pushes Yashiro down the stairs. Yashiro hits a tree. ¨You think I don't know that¨ she says hitting the scissors against the tree so they're open putting Yashiro's head in the middle. ¨Misaki treasures his students as if they were his own. If he found out I'd done this he'd be quit cross with me...But I wouldn't mind. .It's what I want..I would love to hear him scold me again..[She opens her scissors more] in truth I'd do anything to hear from him!¨

¨HELP ME PLEASE! (0||||0;)[covers her head as the scissors start to close]HANAKO WHERE ARE YOUU?!¨Yashiro called out.  



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Hope you enjoyed this part.......sighs...and there's another part to this lol WELL only bc i want to get'll know why tomorrow..bc ill teeellll youuu?? okay bye

♡♡ Bye mini dumplings! ♡♡

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