Chapter.1 when we met

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"Oh I'm so sorry." The small brunette awkwardly laughed.

"Oh no it's alright I guess I wasn't looking." The taller dirty blonde picked up the smaller boys note book and handed it to him.

"Thank you so much you didn't have to pick it up." The smaller boy giggled.

"Oh it's alright... are you going to the coffee shop?" The tall boy smiled.

"In fact I was. How did you know?" The small boy looked up.

"I'm not sure I'll come with you." The dirty blonde boy smiled.


Once they arrived at the coffee shop they got a table outside because it was a nice day.

"I never told you my name... I'm Clay but my friends call me Dream." Clay looked at the brunette.

"I'm George it's nice to meet you." George looked at Clay.

"May I ask what your drawing?" Clay looked at George's sketch book.

"Oh this... I like mushrooms so I draw them although I find it difficult because I'm red and green colour blind. So instead I like to make them look wired and cool." George awkwardly laughed again.

"Oh really that's so cool I love things that look different." Clay smiled and sipped his coffee.

"Yeah." George looked quite surprised.

"Yep I sure do... here's my number in case you want to talk or anything." Clay handed a piece of paper to George.

"Thank you." He smiled and sipped his hot coco only because he didn't like coffee.

"I see you're not a fan of coffee." Clay laughed.

"Not really... never have. I remember the first time I had it it burnt my mouth... my dad didn't tell me it was hot or anything." George did a wired smile.

"Oh wow." Clay looked at George he felt a bit bad.

"Yeah... burnt my taste buds never drank it again... I still can't taste most things if they're really weak." George laughed.

"Damn... that's really bad." Clay looked a bit shocked.

"Don't worry that was years ago. My dad still apologises... well that was until last year..." George stopped smiling and took a sip of his hot coco.

"Oh what... sorry to sound rude but what happened?" Clay looked up at him.

"He smoked a lot so he got lung cancer... he died last year a day after my birthday so I'm not to happy on it... at least he was there on my birthday. Well in the hospital that is." George giggled.

"Why do you laugh so much?" Clay smiled.

"He was a odd man I'd rather think about funny things to be honest... he called my mum a lunatic once by accident." George laughed.

"Wait what!?" Clay giggled a little.

"Yep... never was there on my birthday but always got me gifts I guess he just worked a lot." George looked at Clay in the eyes.

He never really looked at his face properly but for what he could see he had dirty blonde hair. Green well yellow eyes, and freckles.

"May I ask are you British by any chance?" Clay looked at George.

"I am... moved here a week ago still trying to learn things here." George laughed.

"Oh wow... odd question how old are you?" Clay looked wireded out by what he had just asked.

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