Chapter.5 thats not good

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"Hey George." Clay smiled as George slowly woke up.

"Huh... oh hey Clay." George smiled.

"You still sleepy?" Clay laughed.

"Yeah a little... the rain woke me up." George rested his head on Clays legs.

"You nee to get up soon." Clay smiled.

"Noooo~" George huffed.

"Uh don't be moody you literally just woke up." Clay put his phone on the table.

"But I don't wanna move." George was a bit stubborn in the morning especially when had just woken up.

"Well I need a shower... if you don't move I will make you." Clay looked George dead in the eyes.

"Ugh fine." George yawned and turned over.

"Right that's it." Clay got some of his clothes along with some of George's and put him over his shoulder.

"Noooooo." George was still tied.

"Yes." Clay put George on the bathroom floor and chucked his and George's clothes next to him.

"You're so mean." George laid down and closed his eyes again.

"No I'm not." Clay rolled his eyes and locked the bathroom door.

"Ugh I don't wanna move." George rolled on the floor throwing a fit like a child.

"Yes you are." Clay took off his shirt and walked over to George.

"Get up now." Clay sternly looked at George.

"Why." George sat up and looked at the shirtless Clay.

"Because you have to." Clay pulled George up so he was standing.

"Don't move at all ok." Clay looked at George and turned the shower on.

"Now George..." Clay turned around to see George looking at him.

"Yeah." George zoned back in.

"Anyway you need a shower cause you are gunna smell." Clay laughed.

"Ugh..." George turned around and ran for it.

"Oh no you don't." Clay laughed and ran after him.

"Were the hell are the others." George screeched.

"They went home." Clay grabbed and picked up George .

"Fuck." George crossed his arms.

"Yep." Clay went back to the bathroom and locked the door properly this time and stood in front of it.

"Ugh fine I'll go." The shower was still on so George took off his shirt.

"Good." Clay saw George get uncomfortable so he turned around.

"Thank you." George smiled and took the rest of his clothes Off and and stepped into the shower.

"You ready?" Clay slowly turned his head.

"Yeah." George smiled.

"Ok good." Clay smiled.

"You can come in... just don't face me." George rubbed the back of his neck.

"Ok...I will be sat down." Clay laughed.

"Ok that's fine I am anyway." George giggled.

Clay got in after undressing making sure not to look at George and sat down and rested his back on George's.

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