Lost Without You - II

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Inside the hospital

Everyone ran inside the hospital..
Harry went to reception and asked "Where is mahi bhai? Where is MS Dhoni?
But receptionist was busy on his phone.
H: I asked you something damn it!!
Receptionist : Yeah, yeah.
Rishu: What the hell is yeah yeah? We are asking something, where is MS Dhoni admitted to?
Receptionist : Wait a minute dude and he got busy again on phone, probably he was watching some funny videos.
Everyone was fuming in anger watching the receptionist's careless behaviour.
Jaddu snatched that receptionist phone.
Receptionist (angrily) : How dare you?
Rohit  : We dare so many thins that you can't even imagine in your wildest dreams.
Bhuvi : We are leaving you just because we want to know about our brother otherwise we would have shown you what we are capable of doing.

Receptionist : He is ICU, 7th floor. His friends are there with them.

Everyone ran not before giving death glare to the receptionist.

7th floor outside of ICU

Everyone spotted a devastated yuvi and a broken sonu. Rohit was the first one to run towards them.

Ro: Sonu bhai, yuvi pa what happened? Where is bhai?
Y(crying) : Bl.. Blood.. Bike... A.. Acc... Accident.. I.. I... He.. He closed his eyes.. I.. I cal.. called him.. Bu.. But he didn't answered me.. See na ro, harry bol na mahi ko uthne ko... (While taking rohit towards ICU where MS was being treated)..you ask him to wake up.. See na he is not listening to me.. Kabhi meri baat nahi sunta...
Everyone was broken beyond imagination. Tears were flowing from everyone's eyes except jaddu, it was worse to watch their brothers in that condition.
Rohit peeped into the glass of ICU's door, he saw 4 doctors were treating him. There were many machines attached to him. It pained him, he left from there as he couldn't see his brother in that condition.

Jinks : But how did this happen?
Bhuvi to raina and yuvi Please say something...

Harry ( shouting) : Koi kuch batayega v.
Bumrah and rishu was crying hugging each other. They were looking like the worst hit one.
Jaddu : I've talked with bhai an hour ago, you guys were returning that time right? Then how did this happened?
Sonu (with emotionless face) : After talking to you we were returning, we  almost came towards the hotel...


Suddenly Ms stopped his bike
MS : Yuvi, stop.
Yuvi : Kya hua?
Ms: Sonu, you go and sit with yuvi.
Yuvi : OMG!! What I'm hearing. Mahi like sonu's mahi pushing him away.
Sonu & Mahi together Shut up yuvi.
Ms: Nothing such, it's just my gut feeling says that its better for sonu to sit with you.
Sonu didn't asked anything and followed what mahi said. Soon they reached to a crossing, yuvi and sonu' s bike already crossed the road while mahi was still crossing, a speeding truck came and hit mahi's bike. Before yuvi and sonu could react, Ms was lying on the road covered in his own blood. As the truck left hurriedly, sonu and yuvi came back to sense and went to ms, they tried waking him up, but unfortunately failed. Soon they took him to hospital

Flashback ends

Sonu: After completing hospital formalities I called jaddu.

From the time ms met with that accident, sonu didn't shed a single tear while yuvi didn't stop crying for a moment.

Hearing about the incident no one knew how to react. Rohit was consoling yuvi, while jinks was with harry, he wae trying to calm down that hyper active kid. Jassi was counting to bhuvi while rishu was sitting in one  corner and crying hiding his face. Everything changed in a moment how happy were they, playing with each other, teasing their friends, pranking people, laughing on silly jokes now look how everything went into dead silence, a silence that was haunting each and every person standing outside of the ICU.

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