Lost Without You - Last Part

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Sachin was finding the team members as well as trying almost everyone's number but to his bad luck, his phone wasn't connecting with anyone.

Finding anyone in this huge hospital was a task  and tip top of that his mind was blocked. Though he is little calmed after hearing doctor's word but he won't get peace until he hears the same from MS's mouth. He too wanted to be with ms but he knew that his best friend needs to be with ms more than him. He has known sourav from decades now. But where all his kids vanished, he thought again.

A hospital staff saw sachin looking for something, he thought sachin is looking for canteen.

HS: Sir, If you are searching the canteen then it's in the ground floor.

Sachin was confused initially but wait they can be in the canteen too. He quickly thanked the hospital staff and went into the canteen.

It was scheduled, only one person was sitting in the farthest corner, hiding his face by keeping down his head on the table. Sachin recognised virat and went towards him.

Sachin kept his hand on virat's shoulder, virat got scared and stood up. After seeing sachin in front of him, virat was shocked. He quickly wiped his tears and hugged him.

Vi: Arre, Paaji, aap Yeha? How did you know?

Sachin: Sonu called dadi and then I called Rohit and he told me everything. You okay?

Vi: Yeah, yeah. What would happen to me?

Sachin: I've just spoke to the doctor, mahi is fine.

Vi(confused): I know. Aap mujhe kyun bata rhe hai..

Sachin: If you know then, why these tears?

Vi: Ahh.. It's not tears, something went in my eyes.

Sachin: Ohh.. Now your eyes are fine right?

Vi nodded in yes.

Sachin nodded his head in disbelief. Mahi's kiddos are just like him. He still remember when sourav got injured while playing, how much mahi cried but he didn't let anyone see his tears. And when sachin saw and confronted him, mahi too used the same excuse.

Vi: Where are you lost paaji?

Sachin: Did you have your breakfast?

Vi: Let's go to mahi bhai.

Sachin: Of course, we will go. First you answer me, did you have your breakfast?

Vi: I'll do in sometime. First we need to go, mahi bhai must be awake.

Sachin: Don't worry, your mahi bhai is with his dada. Sourav is there with him. Eat something or else  ready to get scolded from me, dadi and your mahi bhai.

Vi accepted the defeat and both sachin and virat had breakfast. Sachin thought his kids are the most stubborn but he was proved wrong. He had a really hard time making virat eat. He wondered, how does mahi manage to handle them all that too at the same time.

Both completed their breakfast and went to MS's room. The scene infront of them, made them aww. Ms was sleeping holding sourav's hand like a baby while sourav was too sleeping while his another hand was on MS's head. Probably he slept while making ms sleep.

Virat was quite surprised watching the scene in front of him, bhai is behaving like them. They have always seen their mahi bhai, the big bro of the team, but this was mahi, their super seniors' kiddo.

Suddenly yuvi barged in making everyone jump off their places.

Ms(annoyed): Har baar tu aise kyun entry leta hai jaise ki koi jung ladne ja rha ho.

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