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duvet up to his neck, max was cosied up in bed, flicking through different apps on his phone. the hotel wifi being extremely temperamental, left him staring at a buffering screen. he was tired, but not tired enough to sleep. it had only just come to his attention that he was sat in daniel's tshirt, and his own boxer shorts.

he looked to his watch, reading '19:54'. definitely too early for the night owl to be settling for bed. with the race tomorrow, he couldn't go out to the bars on the street either.

max rummaged through the cupboards in the room, just cleaning products, an iron and a hair dryer- to his disappointment. he could have a drink, but just not go crazy with it. he looked onto the kitchen counter. a full bottle of whisky, and a glass. "how convenient", he thought, pouring a small amount into the bottom.

he took a sip, and placed the glass onto the bedside cabinet. max's phone lit up, it was a text from daniel-

'what you doing, i'm bored',

max's smile beamed, without him even realising it. he wouldn't mind spending the evening with his friend, better than sat alone with his own thoughts.

'having a drink' he replied instantly. as he saw the bubble pop up on imessage from daniel replying, his bank account app had a notification pop up.

'-€48,111 - 29th october',

max knew exactly who had spent it all, he knew that his girlfriend was going on a shopping spree- but that was a bit too much. he sent her a quick message,

'nearly 50k? do you realise i'm not a bank?' max sent, only half joking. it wasn't unknown that max had a healthy bank account, but at the same time at lot of that money was in investments, and savings for his future. she left the message on read, "who could possibly spend that much whilst shopping?" max muttered to himself.

'i'm on my way, pour me one out? cheers ;)' daniel replied, max quickly put his pajama bottoms on, and poured out a drink for his friend.

before he knew it, there was a knock at the door. max made his way over to it to open it, and there stood daniel.

"nice t-shirt, looking good" daniel smirked,

max rolled his eyes at him, and closed the door. he couldn't help but notice daniel's hair pushed back, him wearing a tank top and wearing jogging bottoms. he looked nice, different to the usual attire he was used to seeing him in.

"how are you?" he asked, kicking his trainers off and sitting on max's bed. max couldn't hide his bad mood, he wasn't exactly known for pretending to be happy when he most definitely wasn't.

"bit fed up, with her, just going to stop replying to her til i get back home, she just spent 50k of my money while shopping, i think that's all i'm worth to her" he laughed, even thought it was obviously hurting him.

"it's only been a few months mate, and if it's already like that you should probably think about stuff" daniel said, his placed his hand on max's shoulder, gently rubbing his thumb on the younger's shoulder.

max instantly felt at ease, daniel had just told him what he'd been thinking himself anyway but coming from someone else other than his own head, made it make more sense to him.

"she doesn't compliment me, she doesn't appreciate everything I do for her it just all goes unnoticed unless she can see my bank card" max sighed.

"i can assure you max verstappen, that you're a beautiful human both inside and out, don't need some girl to tell you that, you've got me" daniel laughed whilst taking a sip from the whisky.

the comment did warm max's heart, it meant a lot coming from daniel. he'd always had a special place in his heart for daniel, he was his best friend during their shared time at red bull. but through neither of their own faults, their friendship had slowly grown apart.

daniel was getting used to settling at mclaren, and max competing for the work championship took its toll, one toll being how close they used to be. but max could definitely get used to this.

silent - daniel ricciardo x max verstappen ( maxiel )Where stories live. Discover now