Chapter 4 : Social Workers and Problems

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2 Weeks Later...

It was 3:45 pm and Steve was in the kitchen with Peter sitting in his high chair. Tony was off again tinkering in his lab, finally having a moment to work on the circuit for the latest Stark Phone. The first week with Peter had been chaotic with both of the new parents inexperienced and unsure of what to do. It also didn't help that Peter knew something was wrong; he knew that this wasn't his home; he knew that Tony and Steve weren't his real parents. There were nights were he would cry out all night wanting to see his mother and father. It pained Steve and Tony that they couldn't fix this; both would stay up all night trying whatever they could to sooth the infant. In the end Peter would fall asleep around 4:00 am when he finally cried himself out. Somehow during the second week Peter began to accept where he was and he finally became comfortable in his new home. There were still occasional nights where he would wake up crying for his missing parents, but all the others he would stay asleep the whole night. Steve's adjustment to parenthood was relatively smooth; he was still used to waking up in the middle of the night for missions, so Peter's cries weren't completely intolerable. He was grouchy after many sleepless nights, but it's no surprise. Tony was the one to struggle. He was used to going nights without sleep while working on his latest project, but he didn't expect taking care of Peter to be such a challenge. He was grumpier than usual most of the time, and he kept thinking he was doing everything wrong, that he was being the bad father he feared. It also didn't help that he picked up drinking again after being sober for six months. Steve was there to help him though. When Peter finally started to feel at home Tony began to relax and believe that maybe he was wrong, and maybe he could be a good father. Needless to say Tony was still paranoid and had attempted to hide away in his lab. Steve would go downstairs and drag him back up, kicking and screaming all the way. This day was an acceptation, since Tony had pulled his act together for the past three days and was actively taking care of Peter. He changed Peter's diaper all throughout those days, bathed him, and fed him too. As a reward for his effort, Steve let Tony work in the lab, since he knew Tony had been thinking up of a new project for a while now. What both of them forgot was that it had been two weeks since they had taken Peter in. Social services was due for a visit.

At 3:55 pm Steve had taken Peter out of his high chair and put him in the play pen in the living room. He then sat down on the sofa and turned on the tv using the remote that had been on the coffee table.

"Master Rogers I have received word from the lobby that Social services is here and wishes to enter the private elevator" JARVIS informed Steve.

Steve sat there for a moment trying to register what JARVIS had just said. He then replied "Wait what?"

"Social services is here for their two week visit sir."

"Oh, um... let them up I guess. Can I get a visual of them?"

"Right away sir." A holographic screen came up in front of Steve and he saw the familiar face of Patty Morson, the social worker that had worked with them to adopt Peter. She boarded the elevator and that was when Steve finally began thinking, Tony was in the lab doing God knows what.

"JARVIS can you call up Tony, tell him about the social worker."

"Yes sir." Ten seconds later Tony's face appeared on a screen next to the one that was streaming the visual of Patty in the elevator.

"Steve what's this about Social Services being here? This better not be true" Tony started but was cut off by an explosion in the background. Black smoke filled the entire room, filling the camera's view so Tony couldn't be seen anymore.

"Tony what was that?" worry and slight panic laced behind Steve's voice.

Another explosion "It's nothing really, just some modifications that aren't going so well."

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