Chapter 6 : Brownies and Parties

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THANKS SweetStonyChild xxxx


Tony was asleep on the sofa while Peter slept on his stomach. It had been a long day of playing, trying to teach Peter about technology and trying to make sure that Steve was making brownies. Steve still hadn't made brownies, but that would change. Steve came from the kitchen with a fresh plate of brownies and was about to ask who wants some, when he saw his partner and his son asleep together. He smiled and put the brownies on the kitchen counter and went to train in the gym. Tony's eyes slowly opened. He was about to sit up when he remembered Peter was asleep on his stomach. Damn It! He thought to himself. He slowly moved Peter up to his chest, and held him there as he sat up.

"I wonder if your dads made those brownies yet?" He said to the sleeping Peter. Walking into the kitchen he could smell it. Brownies. He turned a little bit and saw the plate. "There you are my beauties!" He grabbed one and put the whole thing into his mouth. He swallowed the one after the other, until only one was left. He slowly woke up Peter.

"Mama, I was peeping!" Peter looked at his mama angrily.

"I know but look!" He held the brownie in front of Peter, and Peter grabbed it. He started to suck on the corner, as he had no teeth yet. "You're just like me, mister."

"I hope so."

"For fuck sake Steve! Do you have to do that?"

"Tony! Language! I think if he was just like you, there would be another you to carry on the legacy." Tony picked up Peter and handed him to Steve.

"I'm going to work on the suit, it hasn't seen me for a week. Poor baby is missing it's dad." Steve bounced Peter on his hip and smiled at Tony.

"No! Mama, got ta stay here wit Petah." Peter's face began to turn into a frown.

"Hey Pete. Dada's gonna take care of you now, well for a while then I'll be back." Tony flicked Peter's nose and walked to the elevator. Steve took Peter to his room. Steve sat Peter on the floor and collected his teddys, then sat on the floor with him.

"Right, Peter. Who is this?" He held up a plushie that replicated Hulk.


"Yeah. Now who are these?" He held Hawkeye and Black Widow in each hand. Peter looked really confused.

"Napasha an Cwint!"

"Yeah. Now do you know who this is?" He held a Loki plushie in his hand. Peter grabbed it and threw it across the room.

"Loki, bad! No friend!" Steve smiled and started to tickle Peter. He was squealing and screaming. Next thing Tony was at Peter's bedroom door with the suit on, his hand outstretched readt to attack.

"Leave my baby alone!" Steve pulled Peter close to him.

"Tony! Stop! It's me, I'm playing with him!" Tony lowered his hand. His helmet flicked up.

"How do I know its my real Steve?"

"You call me Capsicle and I call you my Metal Man. Your middle name is Howard, after your father. We are planning to get married next christmas. And you always bottom never top." Tony's suit began to take its-self off. It finished at his hand in a small briefcase.

"Alright your my Capsicle." Peter was starting to whimper and cry. "Hey! Short stuff! Be quiet." Peter laughed at him.

"Can I have a bwownie?"

"Yeah can we have some brownies?" Tony and Peter looked hopefully at Steve. Steve tried to look angry with them, but laughed.

"Okay! I'll make some brownies, Tony take Peter." Tony grabbed Peter and put him on his shoulders.

"Come on kid! Were going to have some fun before those brownies." Tony smacked Steve's bum as he walked out of the room. Then Tony took Peter up to the balcony. "You see that plane hovering in the sky over there?" Peter nodded, the helicarrier was just covered by the clouds. "Thats the plane where I met your dada!" Peter clapped and giggled. "They are look out for us, because they dont seem to be able to trust me to do anything without Steve anymore, so they are constantly here now." Peter looked confused then pulled his tongue out at the helecarrier. "Thats my boy!" Tony pulled his tongue at the hele carrier too.

"Tony! Peter! Brownies!" Steve called from inside. Tony ran inside, Peter bouncing on his shoulders, and began to eat the brownies in record time. Steve just stood their eating another apple.

"Is that all you eat?" Tony asked between bites. "I only ever see you eat fruit and vegetables, have a brownie!" He held out the brownie for Steve to take.

"No its not all I eat. I just choose to be healthy. Like I have told you before, if you eat too much you wont fit into your suit." Tony glared at him.

"Shut up." He was annoyed now. "Brownies are good. Apples are bad." Steve just laughed at him and took Peter, who had a brownie in each hand, out to the park so Tony could work in his lab for a while.

3 days later

It was Peter's birthday and he was still asleep in his little bed. Tony was putting the presents in the living room and was putting the decorations up, while Steve was organising the food for the small party. The people coming to the party were Clint, Natasha, Bruce, hopefully Thor, Nick and a boy called Wade from Peter's class. Peter toddled into the room.

"Dada. Mama. What are you doing?" Tony ran and grabbed Peter so he didn't see anything.

"He short stuff! You know what day it is?"


"Yeah but it's your birthday aswell!" Peter's face lit up and Tony put him down so he could go to his presents. "Peter wait a minute! Steve, come her!" Steve walked in and wrapped his arms around Tony.

"Go on Peter open them, they are yours after all." Peter took the biggest present ond ripped it open. Inside was a little bike.

"I'm gonna modify that." Tony whispered to Steve.

"No." Tony said back. Peter pushed it to one side so he could get the other presents. He opened all 20 of them and eventually he ended up with the bike, a big gorilla teddy, 4 different jumpers, 3 sets of mega blocks, a teddy Nemo, 3 DVDs (monsters inc, robots and toy story), 3 books, a colouring book, a set of large crayons (so he cant eat them) and 2 CDs (ACDC, tony wants him to like them, and disney). Then Steve and Tony took all his presents into his room for him and they let him help them do the party food.

3 hours later

Everyone was at the party, Clint and Natasha were talking to Steve, Bruce and Tony were talking about science, Nick was talking to Thor, and Peter was playing with Wade. They were all having fun and enjoying the party food. Thats when Steve went to get the cake he made. It was half Arc Reactor pattern and half Captain America's shield pattern. In the middle was Peter's face. There was a candle in the shape of a number 4 on the top of Peter's cake head. Peter clapped wildly when he saw it. He blew out the candle, then something strange happened. Wade kissed peter. People gasped. Tony grabbed Peter and quickly walked behing Steve. Steve stood up straight, still holding the cake.

"Natasha, will you please take Wade home." He was trying to sound calm but there was anger in his voice. "Tony come with me." He walked off placing the cake on the kitchen counter, Tony obidiently followed after handing Peter over to Bruce.

"Tony, do you know what just happened?" Tony stayed silent not wanting to state the obvious. "Well another boy just kissed Peter. I want Peter to know that it's right to be gay, but I want him to know what it's like to be with a girl." He broke out into tears. "I sound like such a twat!" Tony was never good at comforting, but he did it anyway.

"No, dont say that. You're just worrying about your child. Come on, there are people waiting out there for the party to begin again." They went outside and carried on the party, still reeling from Peter's kiss.

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