The Promise

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A loud buzz granted Hawk into the prisons visiting section. He walked down with a guard in tow. The guard barked, "All the way down. Your conversation will be monitored."

As Hawk approached the end of the small glass stalls he could see her red hair, now tinted with a dullness. Hawk turned in the stall and sat on the stool. All he could think about was how sick she looked. Dark circles under her eyes, chapped lips, sunken in cheek bones but a still soft smile.

She picked up the phone first and Hawk followed.

"My-oh-my, what a handsome young man you've grown into," she greeted.

He nods his head and swallows as sympathy and guilt swirled in his stomach. He played it off cool, "Hey Ryder, it's been a while. You don't look too well, are they treating you well here?"

She chuckles, "It's been a long time. I've been in here almost 13 years now in this shit hole and let me tell you," as she was about to tell a joke coughing ruptured her punch line.

As she recovered she swatted away the air, "I'm going to cut the corners. I don't have much time left."

Hawk's mouth gaped open, "H-how much time? You're supposed to get out in less than a year, you gotta make it to then."

"If I think I could... I wouldn't have called you," Ryder's smile loosed at the corners and fell off her face.

"I have a favor to ask," she reached under the counter and pulled up a bundle of letters, "I think my daughter ran away again-"

Hawk cut her off, "Daughter?"

Ryder nods, "Yeah, I had her a couple months in prison. I didn't realize I was pregnant and clearly I couldn't raise her in here so the government took her in."

"Wait," Hawk shakes his head in the shock of the news.

Ryder shuts down his protest, "Uh-uh-uhh. Hear me out. Please."

"Ryder," Hawk sighed, "Get to it what is it."

"She's going to be alone in this world," Ryder said handing the bundle of envelopes to the guard on her side of the glass, "I know you remember what that was like. It's a big, scary, wild world out there. I was supposed to meet her when I got out but she must have ran away. My letters started getting sent back to me.

"She's almost 12 now," Ryder continued now facing Hawk again, "She's so smart, Hawk, she really reminds me of you when you were a punk ass kid. Please, I don't ask anything else from you. Find her for me. Get her out of the system."

Hawk thought about it, "Where would she be?"

Ryder shook her head, "I have no idea, but I know where she'll be in a year. She doesn't know I'm sick, I didn't get the chance to tell her."

A sink hole created a pit in Hawks stomach, "But she's not going to believe me, let alone come with me. She doesn't know me."

Ryder laughs, "Oh but she knows of you. You were a popular topic in our conversations and she-"

The guard on Hawks side of the glass warned, "You have one minute remaining."

"Hawk," Ryder spoke softly, "The guard will give you the bundle. There's a few letters in there for you. Please, even if you can't take her in yourself, I know that would be a burden to you and your young career. Just make sure my baby girl is taken care of. Get her off the streets, into a good school. Give her the options to make her own choices. Protect my baby, Hawk, please. Promise me you'll always protect her."

Hawk has never seen Ryder cry. His heart broke a little seeing his hero in a cage, so broken and tore apart. Tears fell down her cheeks as she pleaded for his help, "Hawk, please. Promise me."

Hawk was brought back from his emotions, "I promise to protect her. I promise you, Ryder, your daughter will be safe."

Ryder smiled and spoke, "I knew I-" her voice was cut off from the microphone being turned off. Their time was up. Hawk tried to read her lips as the guard pulled him out of his seat and moved him down the hall way. When Hawk looked back he saw Ryder smiling weakly behind the glass, with the phone pressed to her chest.

There was so much that wanted to be said. Things that both Ryder and Hawk wanted to confess but didn't know how to. Feelings of guilt, regret and forgiveness that were locked so far deep down behind their pride and shame.

As Hawk walked out of the visiting room, the guard that was on Ryder's side was already waiting by the door. His jaw clenched, "She spoke often of you." The guard gripped the bundle of envelopes harder, "she has high standards for you. Don't let her down."

"I wouldn't dream of it, sir," Hawk nodded. The guard placed the envelopes on the counter and nodded back in a sign of respected agreement.

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