Skate vs Drew

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(GUYS, THIS IS THE LONGEST STORY I HAVE EVER WRITTEN ON HERE. I ALMOST HAVE 20K READS ON IT. What the hell? Its not even that good. BUT THANK YOU!!!!! Btw. I seriously love the comments you guys leave me:)

I walked up to my room and when I got in there, Cam was gone. Typically. Probably met some slut at the Meet and Greet. I get on to my laptop and upload the photo on to it for safe. keeping.

Beep! Beep!

I looked down at my phone and saw that Lynn was calling. (L=Lynn N=Nash)

L: Did you get it?

N: I got them hugging but I got a plan.

L: Which is?

Ally's POV: I walked back up to my room and Sam was asleep on our bed face up and Skate isn't in here. So I decided to go over and jump on Sammy.


"I don't weigh that much," I said.

Once he opens his eyes and sees its me, he smiles.

"Like this position. Like it a lot,"

"Oh really?" I asked kissing him.

It didn't take long for that kiss to get heated.


I woke up sore as hell. (Hehe sorry)

"SAM!" I yelled hitting him with a pillow.

He didn't budge.

I looked over at Skate's bed, he still isn't here.

I saw that my phone was going,off so I picked it up. I have 3 text. 1 from Chris. 2 from Skate.

From: Chris

Thanks for meeting me.

I ignore that one.

From: Skate

Hey sorry about freaking out on Drew. Just can't believe he showed up. Anyways, don't stay up. Im gonna be in late.

From: Skate

Nvm. Going to spend the night in the Jacks room. See you later.

To: Skate.

Skate, I really need to talk to you about Drew and yea Chris. Text me when you get up.

Few seconds later.

From: Skate

Come downstairs, Im at breakfast.

I gently got out of bed due to me being sore. Thanks Sam (hehe).

I texted Drew.

To: Drew

Meet me downstairs at breakfast.

From: Drew


I walked into the breakfast area, and saw Skate sitting by the window.

"What's he doing here?" He said looking behind me.


"Invited him. You need to talk to him. DREW OVER HERE!"

"Hey, so I owe you an explainmation. So the reason I left is because Josh had planned her getting kidnapped for a long time. I just didn't know when. I didn't want to leave ever. But Josh told,me if I didn't leave, he'll kill you and Ally. So I had to. I went to the police but since I had no proof, they didn't believe me. Chris, knew too, so he forced him to leave also," Drew finishes.

I look at Skate and he just sits there.


"I didn't want her to lose two brothere. Chris knew because he walked in when, I confronted Josh," Drew said.

"Still not brothers," Skate said walking out of the breakfast area.

The Bad Boy Lives Next Door (Sammy Wilkinson) (Book 1)**NOT EDITED**Where stories live. Discover now