Mission: Win her back

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   "So why doesn't Skate want you around your mom?" Cam asked.

   Skate and Johnson left a few hours ago so it was just Cam, Gilinsky, Nash and me in the house. It was about midnight, everyone was asleep but us.

   "Its a long story,"

   "I got time babe. I always do for you," Cam said kissing me on top of the head

   I told him about everything. How mom blamed me for the divorce, how she treated me like a slave, let Josh beat me and kidnap me.

   "Lucky. I wasn't there,"

   I smiled at him. I rolled on top of him and kissed his lips but hesitantly tho.

    "What?" He asked voice of concern.

    "Every guy I am with, has hurt me," I said.

    "Allygirl, I will never hurt you and if that means proving it to you everyday, I will do it," He said.

     "Okay," I said

     He leans up to me and kisses me hard.

     As the kiss grows, he rolls me over to where he is on top of me. He breaks the kiss by taking off my shirt. He kisses my lips then travels to my neck then to my shoulders.


      I wake up in Cam's arms and I quietly get out of bed and took a shower.

     When I got out, Cam was sitting on his bed fully dressed and watching a video on his phone.

     "What are you watching?" I asked laying on the bed

    "Matt's snapchat," He said showing me.

    "So you wanna go out into the town today?" Cam asked

   "Yes!" I screamed.


    We were in the car, heading somewhere I dont know where because Cam wouldn't tell me.

    "Tell me where we are going?" I asked.

    "You'll see," Cam said putting his free hand on my tigh.

    I felt a vibration in my pocket, I looked down and saw that it was Sam calling.

    I hit ignored and laced my fingers with Cam's.

   Sam's POV:

   I can't believe I ruined things with Ally. I swear I didn't mean too. I don't know what happened that night. All I can remember is that a girl pulled  me into a party and then everything goes blank. Only reason, I know that I did that, is because someone sent a picture to me with the caption of

    "You are a dick and good luck mending your relationship with Ally now.  Don't bother asking me dont because I already sent it to  Ally,"

     That's why I asked Cam if she was with him, so I could talk to her before Skate found out, but I should've known she would tell Skate frist thing.

     "So Ally found out your a lying player dickface?"

     I turned around and saw Lynn standing there.

    "What are you doing in my house?"

    "Door was open,"

    "How did you know what happened?"

    She smiles evily.

    "You. You done it.  You drugged me. It was your party,"

   "Correct on one thing. It was my party but I didn't drug  you. It was Nash,"

   Should have known. Damn it!


   "Because she needed to know how much of a player you are,"

    "Are you still salty because I broke things off?"

    "I deserve you not her,"

    "Well you don't. Get the fuck  out of my house," I said pushing her out and locking the door.

     I grabbed my phone and dailed her number.

     One ring

     Two rings

     "Sorry, this person,"

     I hung up.

     I am going to go win her back.


Should I stop here with this book and make a new book or countine with this book?

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The Bad Boy Lives Next Door (Sammy Wilkinson) (Book 1)**NOT EDITED**Where stories live. Discover now