Are they capable?

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All's POV: Sam just asked me to be his girlfriend and I agreed. I hope I don't regret this decision. Knowing that Sam is a player. But he seems like he changed.

"Hello whore."
I turned around and saw my parents best friend Kyle.

"Why are you calling me whore?"

"Cause you slept with Sam,"

"How did you know that? Were you watching me? And if I am a whore then you must be a man because you slept with 20 women within the last month?" I asked.

He just kinda laughs then punches me in the cheek which knocks me onto the ground. The next thing I know I blacked out.

I woke up tied to a chair, gagged, and with a killer headache. I took a look around my surroundings and it was some type of basement with no windows, a bed, and a small lamp.

'You awake," Kyle said removing the rope from my mouth.

"What the fuck Kyle?" I asked.

'You're so sweet," Kyle said kissing me cheek.

"Get off me," I said headbutting him.

"You fucking bitch," He said slapping me.

Kyle goes out of the room and slams the door shut. A few minutes later, the door reopens and two people come in wearing masks.

"You deserve this you fucking bitch," One of the guy said.

Sounded like a guy anyways. He hits me and once again everything goes black.

"You black out easy." The same guy said when I wake up again.

This time I was on a bed and the guy was on top of me. I couldn't do anything because I was tied down and the rope was around my mouth again.

Skate's POV: -A month later- I can't sleep, eat, or do anything because my little sister, my baby sister, my only sister was out there getting hurt. She is probably hurting, and scared. I'm going nuts not knowing where she is. The cops stopped looking for her a week in but me and Sammy didn't. Everyone is worrying about her, is scared for her. Montana, the girls, and the Jacks have been staying here for moral support. Sammy is more of a mess than I am.

Samm's POV: I'm a total mess, I can't do anything knowing Ally is missing. I can't sleep, eat, think. I mean when we find her who ever took her is gonna get the beating on a lifetime.

"It's all my fault," I said.

Skate just looks at me.


"The night of the party, after she got into it with that one guy, I took her out to the clubhouse to show her some new music and we fell asleep and then next morning, she let to go pack for the tour, I should have follow her, if I would have followed her, it wouldn't have happened," I said putting my face in my knees.

"Sammy, you didn't know," Skate said coming on to me and patting my back.

"Y'all are my only family I have and I couldn't even protect her," I said.

"Sammy, it's not your fault," Skate said.

"Do you know anyone who would want to hurt her?" I asked.

"Josh, our mom," He said.

"Do you think they could be capable of kidnapping her?"

"Maybe and if they did I know where they may have her," He said.

The Bad Boy Lives Next Door (Sammy Wilkinson) (Book 1)**NOT EDITED**Where stories live. Discover now