Chapter 21.

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"Lex! C'mon!" Jack whined as I pulled him through Hollister. We were doing shopping for Shawn's birthday gift and Jack was getting annoyed now.

"Okay last store! I just need to make his gift perfect!" I said hurriedly grabbing a few outfits and a white pair of Vans that Shawn always wanted. We paid and dashed out of the mall.

"So the kid finally had the balls to ask you out?" Jack laughed and drove me home.

"I guess so, it's still weird because I've like never really liked him this way." I blushed.

Jack smirked. "And now you're head over heels for him." I laughed and then it faded when I thought of Nate. "But its still just little Nate Maloley right?" He asked. I nodded and sighed.

"Its always him Jack, so what am I going to do? Because I don't wanna hurt Shawn either." I said.

"I think you should be open to a relationship with Mendes. I mean, why hold on to Nate if he's not doing anything to leave Stacy? If he cared he wouldn't be hurting you."

I nodded. He's right, Nate doesn't care. "I guess so. Its just weird."

"Don't let it be. Now get ready for your night with Shawn." He wiggled his brows and stopped in front of my house. I got out and waved.

Jack yelled, "Remember! The one present Shawn expects is Birthday Sex!" before speeding away. I blushed and jogged to the front door. Everyone needs Jack Gilinsky as a best friend. Seriously.

When I got inside, i heard voices in the den and guessed Sammy and Nate were over. I entered the den and immediately regretted it because Stacy and Rachel were there. Stacy and Nate were making out.

"Hey Alex." Sammy smiled. Nate had almost pushed Stacy off him when he heard Sammy say my name. There was guilt all over his face, I was close to tears but I gulped and tried to look away.

"Hey guys, I'll be upstairs." I said turning around. Stacy called after me but I walked away and up to my room, shutting the door behind me. I didn't want to see them.

Seeing Nate kiss Stacy was like swallowing shards of glass. It was the worse feeling ever and he was okay with that. why? I shook my head and took a long hot shower, as if it cold wash away the pain.


I pulled on a blue fitted mini dress with a black leather jacket and matched it with black converse. I curled my hair into beach waves and added light make-up. I was nervous for a weird reason and couldn't wait to see Shawn.

I told Shawn that Jack would drive me so he wouldn't have to leave the party just for me, it took some convincing but he agreed. He was so sweet it actually didn't seem real. It was like those silly fanfics.

"Lex! Jacks here!" Sammy yelled from downstairs. I took a deep breath and walked down stairs, Sammy, Nate, Rachel and Stacy were going to the party too. That was the only shitty side.

I walked into the den and earned a loud "woah" from Jack...and Nate? Jack spun me around showing off the dress he said I made me promise to wear.

"You look great." Jack said hugging me. I smiled and felt Nates gaze on me, trying to ignore it, I pulled Jack out so we wouldn't be late.

"Don't do anything i wouldn't!" Sammy yelled with a grin on his face. They followed us in separate cars. Jack had to make a small stop before the party to get more alcohol.

We then sped to Shawns house and got out of the car. "Don't be nervous, Shawn is a cool dude." Jack said leading us to the backyard where the party was going down. My mouth fell open when i saw the party.

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