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It was just another regular day in the dorms of Ateez where Seonghwa was being bullied as usual and Mingi was busy annoying Yunho. San was messing with Jongho, and Hongjoong, well, was just being Hongjoong and was trying to separate the best friend duo because they had to shoot for a Mnet event today, and the two clearly seemed to have forgot the concept of time and space. They were sitting in the corner of their practice room while Wooyoung seemed to be animatedly explaining something to Yeosang while Yeosang was just looking at him with a bright smile.

It wasn't a secret from anyone that Wooyoung and Yeosang were the closest pair in the group. Of course Mingi and Yunho were really close too and so were all the members to each other, but there was something about them which was more intimate. It seemed like when they would just look at each other and the other would exactly know what the other wanted to say. It was the way they looked at each other or smiled at each other which just seemed so much more different from the way it was with anyone else except when it was just both of them.

Sometimes it felt like whenever they were at each other's presence, they couldn't do anything but bicker with one another. But at the same time, everyone knew that it was just their way in expressing their love for each other.

Even the silence between them was comfortable, it was never awkward. They would just sit beside each other and maybe not even exchange any words with each other but they knew they were at ease; they would still feel at 'home.'

They say that home is just not a place but maybe just a feeling or maybe even a person at that. Yeosang knew that whoever this 'they' was absolutely right because yes he feels at home with Wooyoung, Wooyoung had always felt like a home to him.

A place where we could just be himself and not fear being judged, where he could cry at nights because he's frustrated or just sad and someone would still tell him that even when he's crying he's beautiful too. Someone with whom he could share his darkest secrets without any fear and well, someone with whom he could just be Yeosang.

Today for the Mnet shoot they had to write one of the members a letter and what they felt about them. they picked chits and Mingi had to write a letter for San, and San would have to write one to Yunho. Yunho on the other hand, had to write it to Seonghwa and Seonghwa to Hongjoong. The maknae got a letter from Hongjoong, and Wooyoung and Yeosang had to write a letter to each other.

The letters they wrote to each other made them cringe, smile but most importantly cherish each other even more than they ever did. While a lot of TMI was spilled, as San would say, there were also a lot of things left unsaid.

Those very unsaid feelings kept bothering Wooyoung the whole day that he thought of doing something he had never done before.

It felt unreal and he was mostly nervous but once he started to pen those emotions down he knew that it was one of his best decisions.

"Dear Yeosang,

I don't know why I'm suddenly writing this letter to you, but I do know you think that nobody saw you sneaking into the kitchen and having the left over fried chicken from yesterday—but guess what ? I did. 

I noticed it like I always notice every small detail about you— be it the way you hide your face when you're shy or the way you scrunch your nose when you smile.
I had always thought we knew each other like the back of our hands but sometimes I wonder, do we really? Do you have any idea about how I feel about you? How I've felt about you since the very beginning?

Do you know how my heart starts beating a little faster every time you hold my hand or how I just never want to let you go every time we hug each other? or maybe just cuddle. How you're someone I want to spend my forever with and every time I think of my always, it's always been you.

When I had seen you for the first time I just knew you're the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. To be honest, I still believe the same but now my reasons are so much more different than what they were then.
At that point, I had just seen your outer beauty and felt that way, but Kang Yeosang, you're so much more beautiful from the inside. In my opinion, you're the most forgiving person to have ever stepped on this planet. You have the most purest soul and no matter how much I thank you I know I can never appreciate you know enough through words that how thankful I'm to you for being you. I'm so so proud of you. 

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