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Waking up to screams and shouts was not how the members expected their day to start. Now- you may be wondering, who was fighting and making a scene that early. Well folks- I'm sorry to say this but it was everyone's favorite ship- Bbangnyukyu.

"I WASN'T- THAT'S NOT EVEN TRUE!" Chanhee screamed. "WELL THERE WAS OBVIOUS EVIDENCE NOW, IS THERE?" This time, Younghoon screamed. "STOP LYING! IF YOU FELL OUT OF LOVE- YOU COULD HAVE JUST SAID SO!" Changmin's voice blared.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I STILL LOVE YOU GUYS!" "WELL- IT ISN'T OBVIOUS NOW ISN'T IT?" "YOU'VE DONE THIS MULTIPLE TIMES BEFORE!" Everyone had enough of the screaming arguing that they all bursted out of their rooms and confronted them.

"BOYS! WHAT IS HAPPENING?" Sangyeon exclaimed, making sure his voice was louder than the throttle's screams. "CHANHEE'S THE PROBLEM!" Changmin says. "I'M NOT! WHY WON'T YOU GUYS JUST LISTEN TO ME!?" 

Chanhee was already at the verge of tears while Younghoon was already crying and Changmin was very red out of anger. "What even happened?" Jacob asks. "Chanhee cheated on us!" "NO- I DIDN'T!" Chanhee immediately denied.

The group was divided, not knowing what to do. "H- how are you sure that he did in fact cheat on you two?" Kevin questions, wanting more information and proof before picking sides. Younghoon shakily brought out his phone and showed them the article.

"Choi Chanhee caught going out with two unidentified people? Chanhee kissed one of them on the cheek! Update- the two unidentified people were..... Juyeon hyung and Hyunjae hyung?" Sunwoo read out loud for everyone to hear.

Everyone's head turned to the three mentioned boys. "Huh?" Juyeon let out a sound of confusion. "H- hyung... You're dating- you're allowing Chanhee hyung to cheat on the other hyungs with.... you?" Eric asks, betrayed.

Hyunjae and Juyeon immediately shook their heads and defended themselves and Chanhee. "No- never! We don't condone cheating!" "Ew- NO!" But did they believe them? With the exception of Jacob, everyone thought they were lying.

"You're taking their side?" Kevin questions Jacob's choice of still staying by Chanhee, Juyeon and Hyunjae's side. "They're my friends... My childhood best friends... I know things you guys don't.. And I understand their decisions more than any of you do..."

The group felt betrayed by who they dubbed at the angel of the group while Changmin just scoffs. "Fine then. Leave. We can't believe you four." Chanhee wanted to explain himself more but Juyeon placed a hand on his waist and shook his head.

"See- they blatantly show of affection now that they were exposed.." The group didn't want to believe it but it's true. "I guess Chanhee was cheating with Jaehyun and Juyeon... I can't believe Jacob still stays on their side."

Believe it or not, it is what it is. "Those four will.... Will leave later." Sangyeon says. "I'll make sure they leave to not make you guys uncomfortable..." Sangyeon says, mostly directed to the Bbangkyu couple. "Thank you, hyung...."

Sangyeon smiles sadly. "No problem..." He just can't believe Chanhee, Juyeon and Jaehyun would do that. Especially- Jaehyun. Why was the timing so bad? Just as he finally accepted his feelings for his best friend, this happens.


Chanhee sobbed as Jacob helped him pack up his stuff from his room. "Hey- hey.. It's alright..." Jacob stopped packing momentarily and hugged Chanhee to comfort him. "I- I'm so s- sorry, hyung.. N- now e- everyone doesn't like you because of me.."

Jacob shook his head as Chanhee sobbed harder. "Hey- hey- it's not your fault..." Does Chanhee believe that? No- he still blames himself for everything. "G- guys..." The door to Chanhee and Kevin's shared- well used to be shared room opened.

A red eyed Juyeon came peaking out of the door and gave them a sad smile. "W- we have to go now... S- Sangyeon hyung's just giving us a few more minutes to get everything we own out of here...." Juyeon says, slipping into French at the last part.

Jacob nodded and quickly packed the rest of Chanhee's stuff. "Chan.. How about this? Will I pack this too?" Jacob held out a photo frame with a picture of Younghoon, Changmin and Chanhee- happy and smiling in each other's presence.

Chanhee felt himself tear up again. "I- I'll just put this in my bag, ok?" Chanhee could only nod wordlessly as Jacob stuffs the photo in his bag. "Yeon, get Chanhee- would 'ya?" Juyeon nodded and help Chanhee to his feet.

"Want me to carry you?" Chanhee didn't answer so Juyeon took it as a yes. He dropped his bag and put Chanhee onto his back. "Hyung, can you help me?" Jacob nodded and grabbed the bags Juyeon dropped. "I'll just give some of them to Jae...."

Speaking of Jaehyun, he entered the room where everyone else was in and quickly grabbed some of the bags Jacob couldn't carry. "Come on.. Let's go..." They all left the room sadly and ignored the rest of the boys who were in the living room.

Hyunjae subtly tried to look at Sangyeon one last time but realized it was a bad idea. "I'll bring Chanhee's car. Juyeon, you bring him home.." Hyunjae says to the boy with Chanhee on his back. Juyeon nods and gently places Chanhee in his car.

"I guess this is goodbye..." Jacob says sadly, looking at the mansion that quickly became their home even if they've only been living there for half a year. "See y'all at home.." Hyunjae says, patting Jacob's back before getting into Chanhee's car.

Jacob nods before getting into his own car. "They're gone now....." Hyunjun says, watching as the three cars drove off and away from the house. "We're not gonna see them anytime soon, are we?" Haknyeon asks, even though he already knows the answer.

"I'm sorry, Hakkie..." Haknyeon sighed sadly and looked out of the window. Haknyeon- other than Bbangkyu, Kevin, Eric and Sangyeon was one of the most affected people with the four leaving. He formed a close bond with Chanhee and now that bond was broken.

"It's..... It's for the best..." Haknyeon sniffled and nodded. "Sunwoo, can you take Haknyeon upstairs?" Sunwoo nodded and carefully grabbed Haknyeon's hand. "I never expected this to happen...." "No one did... No one did...."

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