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"Everyone say hi~" Sangyeon faced his camera towards the group of boys he put together. "Hi~" All of them greeted the camera due to the older's request. "As you can see-" Sangyeon pointed at them. "There are a lot of boys here- some you guys might now.."

"Remember when I said I wanted to put all of my 'kids' in one house so that I could take care of all of them at the same time and keep all of them in-check?" Sangyeon says, doing finger quotations with the word kids. "Well- I did it! These are all of my so called kids!"

"I have 'Sit and Chat', 'Hyunjae Does Things', 'Cobie's World', 'That's The Tea', 'Ego Dormio', 'It's Sunkyu', 'Moonlight Music', 'Food Haks', and 'Hur Fashion'!" Sangyeon released a deep breath after listing down all of his friends's channels.

Can't believe Sangyeon was able to memorize all of their channels- props to you. "You actually memorize everyone's channels... At least we now know that old age hasn't caught up to you yet." Sangyeon hit Hyunjae's shoulder using the hand that wasn't holding the camera.

"You guys see this?" Sangyeon points at his best friend. "This is why we can't have nice things.." Everyone laughed after Sangyeon's statement. "Please- I'm the nice thing in your life-" Hyunjae says sassily, flipping his nonexistent long hair.

Sangyeon just rolls his eyes. "Anyways, what do you guys want to do today? Exploring the house in not an option so, you guys may do that in your own time." The group shrugged and started to murmur with each other. "Can we go to the park?"

They all stared at Changmin, who was the one who suggested it. "Why not? Sunwoo and I can film some tiktoks there while the rest of you can just rest or film whatever you want." The rest nodded and murmured to each other. "Sure- we could go out."

Both Sunwoo and Changmin cheered and ran to grab their stuff. "Are any of you going to be filming other than those two?" Almost everyone shook their heads to Sangyeon's question. "I wanna film something!" Eric exclaims, giving Juyeon puppy eyes.

"Fine..." Now Eric was the one who cheered and ran to get their stuff. "Do you see this, guys? My friends are literal children." Sangyeon says, looking at the camera. "Hey-" "Except Chanhee-" "How about me?" "Cobie, you may be the second eldest but...."

"You act like a baby." Jacob huffed and pouted. "How could you, Kevin?" Kevin just laughed and ruffled the older's hair. "Baby-" Jacob hit Kevin's hand and walked away from the other Canadian. "Ok- blatantly flirting... I see-"

Kevin glared at his brother and hit his head ever so lightly. "Shush-" Kevin whispers back. "I wasn't flirting with him... He's my friend! It's practically my job to tease him." Hyunjun rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right- Like I believe you-"

"Shut up-" Kevin subtly pinched Hyunjun's love handle as hard as he could. "OW!" Hyunjun exclaims, rubbing his painful love handle. "Are you ok, Hyunjun?" Sangyeon asks the boy. Hyunjun nodded even though pain was visible in his face.

"Are you... sure?" Hyunjun nodded. "I'm fine! I'm fine...." Everyone nodded and continued to do whatever they were doing before Hyunjun's outburst. "Are we all ready to go?" Sangyeon asks the group. Everyone nodded and went outside.

"Get in the car, boys! We're going to the park!" Sangyeon exclaims as he gets in the driver's seat of a mini van. "See you guys there~" Sangyeon says to the camera before covering it with his hand and ending the recording.

The gang headed to the park that was closest to the mansion, which was around 20 minutes away. "This is what you get for buying a house in a very secluded area." Sangyeon ignored the comment and just continued to drive to the park.

"Here we are!" Was the first thing Sangyeon said as he whips out his camera and starts filming. "There goes Changmin and Sunwoo going to film some tiktoks and dance videos- oh- and there's Eric and Haknyeon just playing and chasing each other-" 

The rest of the video was basically Sangyeon showing off how happy and big his group of friends is. "That's all for today! See you guys~" Sangyeon waves at the camera before panning it towards the others. "Say bye~" "BYE~"

"Don't forget to check out all of the things they filmed on their own channels, which I will link below.. See you guys soon, bye~" Cut! Sangyeon ended the filming and smiled at his friends. "Are you guys done filming what you want?"

The ones who filmed nodded. "So, you're one of those you tubers that end their videos like 'don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe'... I thought better of you~" Hyunjun says 'disappointedly'. "Whatever-"

"Do you boys want to eat out or are you willing to cook for everyone?" Obviously they choose the lazier but more practical option. "Eating McDonald's wasn't really what I had in mind..." Hyunjae mutters as he looks at everyone eat their food.

"Just eat your food-" Sangyeon says as he shoves a burger up Hyunjae's mouth. "Rude-" A loud laugh was heard from across the table. "Do it again!" Haknyeon exclaims as he laughs again when Sunwoo played with his fries. "I don't know them-"

A/N: I'm so lazy T-T but I want to write more chapters and update all of my books- But I'm also having writer's block- wtf-

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