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"Right here!" Exclaimed a voice. Some were other disciples in different outfits representing their sect, while others were rogue cultivators seeking to be a part of the cultivation world. The disciple used a sword to chop through the vines and shrubs to allow passage forward easier for the other people behind him to follow. "It had shifted a couple of times before, and my team had seen what I had seen." As they were led deep into the jungle nearby Jue Di Gorge, the disciple recounted everything. The Immortal Alliance Conference started a few minutes ago... but only the disciples experienced a delay because their attention was drawn away from their aim to follow a disciple and see an unusual scene.

A huge ball of what looked like grapevine was in front of them, bound together securely by two large trees and their branches on either side.

"Should we inform our superiors of this?" Someone inquired.

"This might cause a lot of problems..."

"It could potentially be harmful."

The young disciples were shocked as they readied their swords, guards up, and postures down when the grapevine ball moved a little with the creaking of the wood.

"Someone get a sect leader, hurry!" One exclaimed as a few ran back out to inform a leader or two of their findings...


"Sure, he's not without flaws! But there was nothing wrong with anything he did! I'm not sure why it's so aggravating to simply.... just!! Argh!" Shen Yuan yelled, pounding a throw pillow to release his rage while his two elder brothers did their own thing and listened to him. One was preparing food, while the other was typing on his laptop, which he had brought with him. "Even if Shen Qingqiu's past was not mentioned, that doesn't negate the fact that everyone may readily assess him based on minor details in his past!"

"Don't judge a book by its cover," as the phrase goes. "I'm more astonished that you would stand up for this individual than the so-called major character you said," his first elder brother added.

"Yes, but he's unique! Shen Qingqiu may have been his master and had to put up with a lot of brutality and hardness from him... which I don't like, but that's beside the point! Luo Binghe didn't even bother to try to comprehend him." Shen Yuan reported that as he sat up on the couch, he removed his glasses and irritatedly pinched the bridge of his nose.

"What's the matter with you and this novel's villain?" The second older brother inquired as he appeared to have completed what he needed to do. "You make it sound like you personally know the guy."

Shen Yuan's train of thinking came to a halt when his second brother stated those words. It was strange that he would defend the novel's adversary when he had no personal knowledge of Shen Qingqiu... yet he knew... he simply knew... It appeared as if he was closer to the wicked Shen Jiu and that he knew him better than anybody else. "It's simply a sense," he stated as he ate dinner with his two brothers at the dining table before they had to that night.

His siblings, however, made a recommendation before they left that could and might assist Shen Yuan to relax after finishing the work. "Why don't you make a wish? I heard this year's meteor shower is going to be magnificent," his older brother stated, "with the festival being planned for the next three days."

A wish, you say? Shen Yuan was not the type to wish upon a star or anything else since he found it difficult to believe. "I suppose I could give it a shot, not that it's likely to happen." He answered his brother as he took the two of them out the door. "Bring your own coat next time instead of borrowing mine; you know it's smaller than your actual size!!" He yelled out to his older brother, who merely responded by waving his hand in the air. Shen Yuan closed his door as he watched his older brothers stroll down the street to their car and then disappear.

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