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After hearing the news that their Shizun had returned to the peak with the chosen candidates to join in the Immortal Alliance, especially a specific Protagonist, Luo Binghe, Qing Jing Peak was buzzing with vibrant disciples left and right, gossiping, conversing, and whispering to one another.

At the moment, he had no idea what was going on with their Shizun. Before this abrupt change, he and his fellow brothers and sisters were assembled, planning how to assault their suggested targets, when Yue Qingyuan unexpectedly called a halt to the Immortal Alliance and ordered all disciples to quickly return to their masters and peaks. "Due to a concerning incident that has come to my attention," he explained, "this year's Immortal Alliance Conference has been postponed until further notice."

The congregation of befuddled and perplexed disciples erupted in a murmur. They'd barely been inside the barrier for two days when they started. Was there an accident prior to this? No, it shouldn't be the case... Even if this Abyssal event began so early, it's difficult to see why it would cease so rapidly since the Abyss had not yet opened up.

"I'm hoping no one was hurt... The last thing we need is for someone to stifle our progress." As the barrier that encompassed Jue Di Gorge was dispelled, Luo Binghe heard a few of disciples mumbling to their small groups, and all disciples hopped onto their swords to soar back into the sky to join their Peak Masters. "Perhaps it has to do with those massive ball-shaped branches created by those withering trees deep in the swamp forest.."

Branches in the shape of a ball? Luo Binghe tuned everything out to listen to what the two Bai Zhan Disciples were attempting to say as he shifted his attention to the two of them discussing.

"I'm sure it does; I heard Shen Qingqiu, the Peak Lord of Qing Jing Peak, was extensively involved. Isn't that just unbelievable?"

"I mean, why wouldn't it be? If he's actually involved, it's got to be another one of his plots... He'd also dragged Yue Qingyuan and Mu Qingfang into the fray. I witnessed it firsthand...!"

"Even the Peak Lord of Qian Cao Peak is involved?" "Ha, that filthy scumbag is really pulling everyone down with him one by one," Luo Binghe had heard enough as he flew by them on Zheng Yang. As a result of his Shizun, the Immortal Alliance Conference came to an abrupt halt. It's understandable... They're talking about the Scum Villain here... Though he did not stay long enough to hear the last few sentences shared within that small group. "Yea... but I also think I saw someone else there with them... It was strange... he looked similar to Shen Qingqiu.."

"That scum? Having a doppelganger? I'm starting to think you may have made this one up for sure... Qing Jing Peak's Peak Lord only has ONE scumbag."

It seems odd... His Shizun has always hoped for his disciples to win the Immortal Alliance Conference, thus having to halt it so abruptly as this appears to be out of character... Unfortunately, their dear Shizun will not be able to inform them directly what has happened to his beloved pupils until the matter has been resolved... If only he could find out more about what had happened... But who's to say he can't when the good-for-nothing dirtbag's focus is diverted elsewhere? It should be simple to obtain information.

After all, he couldn't do it in his past life.

Qing Jing Peak- Bamboo Hut

Mu Qingfang had told him everything that had happened up to this point. So Shen Yuan was discovered inside a grapevine? What the hell?! He may have been reborn on the beach, for example! Or perhaps he dozed off in a library workshop or even a garden but INSIDE A TREE?! Shen Yuan was quite dissatisfied with himself... wait a minute... He's betting that the idiot author is writing this right now?! Having complete control over his acts, statements, and even his resurrection!


With a defeated groan, Shen Yuan dropped his head down. Of course, he couldn't overlook the fact that the system was speaking to him... However, it's odd that no one else can see or hear this object in front of him with the high-tech intellectual and methodical programs except him... In this day and age, they wouldn't even know for sure what that means.

"Shen-xiong, you're not sick again are you?" Mu Qingfang inquired, moving his sleeve and softly pressing the back of his hand against Shen Yuan's brow. "Hm... You don't appear to be burning... To preserve the equilibrium of your Qi flow, you should take the prescribed medicine I have made for you. I'll return to Qian Cao Peak and come back in a week to perform your weekly examination." He rose up with a bow and began packing his belongings. "I am convinced your brother will have my head placed on a platter if I do not come on the correct day next week." With a deadpan expression, he added.

Shen Yuan merely laughed softly. "nonsensical! My brother isn't a bad man, he's not a villain either." While mentally he was panicking, he responded calmly. Why would he say something like that?! The only person whose head would be served on a platter would be himself!!

"Oh? So, Shen-xiong, would you mind sharing your rationale with me?" Mu Qingfang inquired, his arms crossed in a contemplative posture. "You may not realize it, but I'm sure you've already been exposed to your brother's nefarious activities, right? He has explained both of your brief pasts to me and Yue-shixiong, with the exception of you ending up, well... assumed to be dead."

Nefarious methods? Shen Yuan has a part of him that wants to agree. He understands how much of a scumbag that Shen Qingqiu was because he read the novel from beginning to end... and he was even poorly written as a villain!! However, there was a part of him that was irritated by the way Shen Qingqiu was described.

[Hidden Story Quest found. Use the Story key to unlock?] 

So, in this novel, there are story quests? It's intriguing... perhaps Airplane Bro was able to create a decent childhood story about Shen Qingqiu that led to his being a villain. He might have actually made a really good villain this time! Yes, yes, yes Uncover the mystery! Shen Yuan smiled as he pondered.

[Hidden Story Quest unlocked] [Start story? Yes/No]

Is it necessary for this item to inquire? Shen Yuan turned away from the physician, who was waiting for his response. "Please sit down again, Mu-shidi, while I wait for my Xiongdi to arrive... I'm sure he wouldn't want anyone to know or even listen to our history about how we came to be who we are today..." He started after pressing [Yes] on the screen.

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