"A King And A Prince - An Unlikely Pair"

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As the foreign prince was talking with the boys,M/N was by the entrance hiding by a wall whilst going out of hiding from time-to-time without getting caught.However,the prince saw him when he popped his head out.He waved at him which caused a chain reaction,the five boys turned to where their visitor was looking and saw M/N.Yeonjun stood up from his chair and went to him "What are you doing hiding?Come on,join us",he softly laughed when the other shook his head before he got his hand and sat down right next to the foreign prince unintentionally.He sat back down in his seat before he spoke "Here's our younger brother who we are preparing to be the perfect king,I'm sure you've heard of the reason of him being heir to the throne?",the foreign prince,named Jeonghan,nodded as he smiled "Yes,your father has passed and he was the younger out of all his siblings before.Following tradition,the youngest must inherit both the crown and throne".Taehyun nudged M/N's shoulder "Doesn't that mean our little brother here must work very hard in terms of getting kids,no?",M/N turned red as he knew what his older brother meant and simply nodded without saying a word which made everyone let out happy chortles.

After a little while of talking,they were joining Jeonghan on his way to the gate of the wall that defended the entire kingdom.M/N casually rode on his horse and followed behind Jeonghan since he respected his personal place,however,he got flustered when Jeonghan turned to him and pointed to his right side using his eyes.With no way of saying no,M/N rode by his side but didn't make any eye contact at all.As they were nearing the gate,the boy seemed a little distressed and Jeonghan caught him in the act fast "Is something bothering you,your soon-to-be majesty?".M/N shook his head "There is none that is shrouding my head with doubt,your highness",Jeonghan chuckled "Why the ill and distressed face though?Shouldn't be his majesty be smiling to not worry his people?".M/N cleared his throat as he hid the fact he was flustered "I'm much more inclined to my serious side,I apologize if his highness finds such a habit odd",Jeonghan smiled "Oh,that is not what I mean.I was simply implying that his majesty must show some happiness from time-to-time so his people wouldn't think he's not ready to rule the kingdom,the matter is not much of importance but is of consideration".As they conversed,M/N's older brothers except for Hueningkai found what they were watching as something that strummed their heartstrings.However,the lone brother who knew M/N's secret thought the exact opposite.

Once they arrived at the gate,Jeonghan's attendants appeared at the front of the gate as the boys got down their horses.M/N was confused when he saw one of the attendants bring in a cart with five heavy chests that were locked along with their keys "What are these?",Jeonghan laughed "It is a simple parting gift,I thought this would be appropriate so you wouldn't forget me if I come back in the future".M/N felt his heart race as he saw the wheeled cart be brought to the castle by the knights of the cavalry that stood on standby "I would like to thank you for your kindness on behalf of my brothers,however,I am dearly sorry that we don't have a parting gift as well",Jeonghan shook his head "It is fine,your majesty.The simple words we exchanged are more than enough,so please do not worry".He went to him and fixed M/N's crown,he moved back before he bowed "I think it is now time for farewell,your majesty".It took a few minutes for their final goodbyes and Jeonghan to ride away along with his attendants,the boys came back to the palace on their horses with haste as Hueningkai was preparing to have a heart-to-heart talk about a rather private matter with his younger brother,M/N. 

Once they were back at the castle,they retreated back to their quarters.As M/N was reading a book by the window,he heard a knock on the door and stood up from his chair to let the person in.He was a bit surprised that he saw Hueningkai standing in front of him "Oh,hyung.Do you need something?",Hueningkai nodded as he went in,passing by M/N,whilst closing the door "Its more of a 'I need to talk to you about something' situation,to be precise".The boy sat back down on his chair but he was turned to his older brother rather than his book "Well,go on then",Hueningkai sighed before he spoke in a worried tone "I saw how you looked and reacted at Jeonghan a while ago,forgive me for assuming things but do you like him?".M/N bit his lip whilst staying silent,however,he nodded and admitted to the truth "Fine,I do.Its not my fault I felt attracted to him,everything about him drew me closer and closer to wanting him all to myself".Hueningkai looked at him with a worried stare "Please tell me you're joking,I beg you",M/N shook his head "I-I'm not joking here,I'm being serious".The other had no words as he watched the boy walk out the door,he chased after him as he never intended to make him feel bad about his secret and needed to apologize for the way he reacted to his remark.

After a few minutes of running around,he saw M/N hanging by the castle gardens.He slowly walked to him and saw he was making a flower crown out of every kind of rose that grew there,he softly smiled as he went closer before he sat next to him "M/N-ah?".The other turned to him without getting scared at the sudden appearance of his brother "Hm?".Hueningkai caressed his hair as he spoke "I'm sorry for reacting in that way and making you feel bad of your romantic preferences,I shouldn't have done that",M/N shook his head as he pursed his lips "Its all fine,hyung.I know this is all sudden to you,so I understand".Hueningkai grinned before kissing M/N's cheek "You are the cutest brother I have ever known,I'm lucky to have you~",he teasingly did it once again when M/N ignored him "Hey now,don't be cuter by being shy.You don't want me to treat you as a baby,aren't I right?".M/N cleared his throat "I'm not even a little shy at what you said,brother".Hueningkai smirked "Oh really?Then,I should probably go now and leave you be",as he expected,M/N grabbed onto his hand tight while mumbling shyly.Hueningkai laughed sweetly "Hm?Why are you keeping me from leaving now?",M/N spoke in a shy tone "Don't leave me alone here,I want to make you a rose flower crown as well".Hueningkai sat back down on the grass and took off the crown on M/N's head so he could place the rose flower crown that was already finished,he kissed the side of his forehead before watching M/N make a flower crown that had white roses.

Within just fifteen minutes,M/N's swift hands finished and placed it on Hueningkai's lap "Here's yours,hyung".Hueningkai took his pearl-adorned crown off and put it on his head,he turned to him with a smile and kissed his forehead "Thank you,M/N-ah".He pulled the boy close and hugged him,however,they were unlucky that Soobin and Yeonjun caught them in the act.They softly snickered before Yeonjun spoke "Are we interrupting something?",Hueningkai turned to them with wide eyes as M/N froze,they let go of each other and stood up.As they cleaned themselves up,M/N watched as the two teased Hueningkai.He got his crown and put it back on before he went to gift his flower crown to a young servant by the fountain,on the other hand,Yeonjun thought sweetly as he saw his younger brother walk away : "How cute,he still gets shy when we see him being affectionate with someone~"

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