What does MHA really mean? hmm

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Yes, I'm alive. Probably dissappointed aren't you. Well, sorry, but you have really bad luck, and it looks like you have to listen to another nonesence. Or just don't read, but nevermind that.

Anyways. This came from one conversation in comments. Unfortunately for all of you, that's where a lot of my inspiration comes from. Maybe thats why this theories and random nonesense are so bad. Or maybe it's just me. Probably the second one. These are all coming from my head after all, and I have some crazy thoughts there.


You shall decide what will you believe in now, but be careful, your mistake may hunt you for the rest of your life.

You maybe didn't know the secret behind the simple Title like My Hero Academia or Boku No Hero Academia.  People tend to be short sighted with those things, but that's exactly why I, the greatest theorist of nonesence, am here to help you. Let me open your eyes that were closed to important things for so long. Here, on this day, I am here to enlighten you and show you the truth hidden deep within the lies that were told to you since you heard something that is supposed to be shortened name of the popular show.

MHA doesn't actually mean My Hero Academia. You have been fooled. It means something completely different, completely shocking, that wil leave your mouths hanging open. Now, I shall tell you the most well hidden secret of the universe. The secret that will change the way you're looking at this show forever.

MHA. It sound so easy to decipher, doesn't it? It's connected to My Hero Academia, so it obviously means the name of the show.

But does it?

What if I told you that everyone used it wrong. That MHA means something completely different. Something that only Harry Potter fans could understand. You didn't think I summoned the Potterheads for no reason, did you?

MHA actually means...

My Hogwarts Academia, also known as Mystical Hogwarts Academia. It's that simple, yes. The most of the darkest secrets are that simple that we don't notice them when they're right in front of us.

It's a shame, really, that we humans usually don't think about things more than we need to. Once we have the answer right on front of us, the ones who would question it are rare. It's a part of our nature, but not always the good one. Nothing in life comes easy, starting with simple things.

Ok, I'll stop. It's not dramatic a definately isn't grammaticaly correct. Sorry..

Now, you probably wonder "Why is that information important?". Well it isn't, and I don't care that you wonder.

Just kidding, but take a moment and think about what the could the answer be. What could be so important that I would write about it. Well, anyng, I write about the most unimportant things, but still. Think about it. The answer will wait for you.

Well, answer definately didn't have to wait long. You probably didn't even think about the answers, you just scrolled down, like the most of the people would do, even after what I just said. If you didn't, and you actually thought about it, that's great. Thanks for listening. Here's a candy for you🍬 (sorry I don't share my ice cream)

Around 90-something percent of the people who read this will scroll down. If you aren't one of them, congrats, but you probably waisted your time. And I'm still not giving you my ice cream so...

Now back to being dramatic and even more grammaticaly incorrect talking. Grammarly is reserved for my fanfictions

And now, what you all waited for. The most secretly kept secrets in the universe. Some of you mybe already figured ot out, but you shall never let your pride take over you. Keep in mind that you only achived this because of me (way to ruin the mood. Good job, me). And now, probably-the-worst-self-proclaimed-theorist-but-she-doesn't-care presents: the rest of the theory.

(Btw, at this part dramatic made me think that I haven't even presented the theory yet, lol.)

It's a well known fact that wizards were supposed to stay hidden and not let any of the muggles see them. Even if a muggle found out about magic, no one would believe them. They would probably be called crazy or told that they live in the world of imagination. "Wake up. This is the real world outside of those books you read. There's not a magical solution to every problem. This world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. It's harsh and full of evil. Get your head out of the clouds" they would say. They obviously never read Harry Potter, but that doesn't matter. Btw, I'm not speaking from a personal experience.

Anyways, I'm making this far too long. Forgive me. I just wanted to be dramatic for once. It's fun!

If the muggles never knew about the magic, finding out about it in the weirdest way possible would take a lot of madia attention and spread the panic around the world. The magic had to evolve once, maybe even let the user use it freely, with no wand at all. But all of those things have their price, so the magic could only do specific things.

Now let's talk about My Hero Academia. Suddenly, out of no where, quirks appeared. The first quirked human, luminous baby, attracked a lot of media attention, but mare existance of beings like her made the world go to panic. Meta-powers, as the quirks were named at the start, gave the usernuque ability, which wasn't so unique if someone else had same or similar power.

Panic, media, powers. Sounds familiar? No? Did you even read carefully. Go back to when I talked about Harry Potter universe. Get it now.

Harry Potter universe and My Hero Academia universe. Two completely different universes. But are they?

This theory is about the possibility of My Hero Academia and Harry Potter being two stories happening in the same universe with different timelines. In My Hero Academia magic already evolved into quirks, ability that suits user far greater than magic and is in the most cases easier to use. The most of the humans has it, which helped the magic society. They didn't need to be hiding anymore, and they couldd live a happy, normal life with their families. After the chaos that came with the quirks/ meta-powers.

Of course, some less lukcy people hot the short end with the appearing of quirks, but this way almost no one can kill you with just one word *cough* Shinso *cough* What? I didn't say anything.

MHA=My Hogwarts Academia

That's all there is

And now
When all is done, there is nothing to say
You have gone and so effortlessly
You have won, you can go ahead tell them...

Okay, I won't, sorry. I just thought of that song for some reason. I once saw good Itavhi edit with it and was obsesed with the song for some time. But then I completely forgot it. That's how it is with every song I listen to.

Anyways, this was long enough. If you aftually read all that nonesence...Well wow, thanks. Hope this theory was interesting. Don't mind my broken grammar and miserable attemt of being dramatic.


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