It was

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It was Mayer Nutty Boo. who walked out of the giant nut holding a little box in his hand. He waled towards the group, and as he reached them he looked at Cody and handed him the box.

Cody then got on one knee and said "Caleb will you marry me?" Hell no fuckin nigga "Caleb replies as Cody's eyes filled with tears. All if the girls stood there cringing over what just happened. Cody got up and ran away in his inappropriate attire which he wore every day, but of course today was nut day so that outfit was not acceptable. As he ran off Caleb started to cry yelling what have I done. I just hurt my best friends feelings; I should have told him no kindly. "I'm suck a dick" Caleb yelled, as Amery whispers "pussy more like it you jerk." He heard her remark, but ignored it because he knew what he had done was awful.

The girls all went to Paige's house and tried to forget about their awful day, as Cody watched gay porn an jacked off while crying. Caleb was at home fighting with his sister and beating his mom as he did every day after smoking his weed.

"I'm and awful person" he yelled over and over again, and he put his cigarette out on his little sisters four head

WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT! Find out Monday or Sunday

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