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Here is the jackpot for my shy girl serena

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Here is the jackpot for my shy girl serena.

Ash: who is he?
Gary: why ash jealous?
Serena: wait Maria isn't he calem.
Me: yup
Misty: wow he looks cute.
May: not much cute than him.
Dawn: who may?
May: none of your business dawn.
Me: Dawn wanna know whom.
Dawn: yup
Me: I will clear your wish next time.
Dawn: Kay
Drew: cute huh but carbon copy of ash and also Paul.
Gary: Ashy boy I can understand but how Paul?
Drew: hair style man.
Gary: Ooooo
Ash: well he looks so strong I would like to challenge him in pokemon battle be ready pikachu.
Me: is this the only thing goes in your mind.
Serena: which shipping is next Maria.
Me: you will know soon but don't worry it doesn't include u.
May: then whom?
Me: u
May: what.
Drew: really people like this air head july.
May: my name is may grass head.
Drew: so is my Drew.
Me: it's something like ash and misty.
Misty: Drew is better than ash.
Ash: may is better than u too mistyyy.
Misty: what do u mean Ketchup.
Me: stop u four. Give the ratings.
All four: alright 👌

Misty: 10/10 everyone agrees sweet with cute.
Everyone: yes
Me: I agree too okay bye bye guys.
Everyone:  bye Maria.
Gary: face Reavel Maria
Me: okay I am this

Gary: face Reavel Maria Me: okay I am this

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Hope u all think that I look nice.

Gary: nice u are the cutest one.
Misty: this is the first time I am agreeing with this oak wood.
Me: thanks anyway I have an idea.
May: what kind?
Ash: food eating contests or pokemon battles.
Me: none the plan is
Misty: not truth or dare 😤
Me: I am unique Misty so are my thoughts so u all will also react to some pictures of u all single okay.
Gary: that's nice u are really unique.
Me: tommorow u all will meet a new guy so now bye bye.

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