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Misty: what the fuck???????????May: as is like a brother to me

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Misty: what the fuck???????????
May: as is like a brother to me.
Ash: u are a sister like friend tooo.
Dawn: take it as a brother-sister relationship than.
Lillie:  According to that it's ummm
Serena: cute
Gary: awesome
Drew: cool
Paul: nice
Misty: charming
Lillie: Actually I wanted to say amazing but all those would fit too ya know.
Me: it's kinda allllllllllright.
Rex: yup
Me: don't copy me you brat.
Rex: I seriously haven't.
May: Allright can any one talk about the shipping.
Drew: you seem too much interested huh June.
May: first of all my name is may and second it's a brother-sister relationship. Got that
Dawn: you look cute you know.
Lillie: what about those luvdisc.
Dawn: too cute
Gary: oooooooooooooo I like it but can't stand to Drew my Boi.
Misty: u know what Gary sometimes I think that u are a gay.
Gary: What! How can u think that red.
Ash: why can't she.
Lillie: not fair with gary
Gary: you understand me so well Lillie.
( Gary hugs her as she blushes madly.)
Misty: ahem can we go to ratings.
Me: of course
Misty: 9/10
May: 10/10
Lillie 10/10
Everyone except drew: 10/10
Drew: 1/10
Me: hehehehe jellybean jellyfish.

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