Chapter One: Mike Milligan Returns

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This story takes place somewhere in the first half of series eight.

Jody catches May-Li straightening her blazer in the mirror, "Remind me why you're doing that again?" "Because, Mike should be turning up any second now. I want to look my best." He's seen you in a dressing gown more times than I can count!"

*knock knock knock*

Scott shuffles everyone back, "Sasha, you do the greeting, Taz, you grab his stuff, the rest of us will wait in the lounge." A collective groan erupts from the huddle as Scott heards them towards the TV. May-Li manages to mouth a quick "Thank You" before Mike bursts in theatrically. "Honey, I'm home!"

"Mike!"she squeezes him so tight he struggles to stay on his feet, the kids put his suitcase to the side and head to join Scott. "Where is everyone? It's far too quiet!" "All the kids are through there with.. Scott, I thought you'd want a coffee with me, you know, before you get taken hostage. Is that a problem? We can go see them now if you want, I mean, I don't mind!"

He scoffs, "Will you stop fussing?! He looks around, Loving the re-dec, it looks great!" "Aww thanks Mike, I know we'd been meaning to do the place up and I wanted to start a fresh." May-Li corrects herself, Oh no, wait I didn't mean... in classic DG style, the pair are interupted by a crash, they share an eye-roll before going in to check on things. Mike barge straight in, "Right, you lot better tell what is going on in here... Everyone slowly turns to face him, wide-eyed with shock.


Jody and Tyler stand up, walk towards him and hold his arms out straight, "3... No... 2... Don't you dare... 1... May-Li!... GO!" Ninety percent of the kids tackle Mike to the ground, latching on to his every fibre. Whilst the newer bunch watch on, cackling with laughter. After about thirty seconds of lovingly clinging onto whatever's in their reach, they help the man back to his feet and return to their chosen spots on the sofa. May-Li brushes Mike down, making sure his shirt isn't creased; that's when Scott extends a hand. "Hi I'm Scott, I've heard loads about you!"

Mike smiles and returns the gesture. "So you're the poor soul who's stuck with May-Li! Listen, I'm thinking of starting a support group... she swats arm, See? She's viscious!" May-Li gasps dramactically, "Listen to yourself, he loves me really, honest!" They chuckle and share a glance, remembering it all in that one moment.

Mike claps his hands together, "So which one of you wants the pleasure of making me a coffee then? After all, I am a guest!" Finn jumps up, "I'll do it!" Mike ruffles his hair, "Good lad!" Once he sees everyone start to gradually follow Finn into the kitchen, he waves Scott over discreetly. "So, tell me how's May-Li as a boss? How's she coping with the step up?"

He looks around to make sure she's not listening, "Well, to be honest, I think your move was harder on her than she'd ever admit." "How do you mean?" Mike questioned, whilst trying to keep the worry in his voice to a minimum.

"Well Jody told me that for the first two weeks or so, May-Li was really stressed. If anyone tried to talk to her about it, or about you, she'd be really closed off and cold. Taz even walked in on her crying. Then one day, she came into work and it was like nothing happened. Everything back to normal, not a tear in sight. I asked Alice whether they'd discussed how she'd been feeling and she was clueless, I might as well've been speaking spanish. May-Li's clearly kept her in the dark.

All I know is what I've been told and apparently, without Jody and Tyler this place would've gone downhill by all accounts. They kept things running, kept May-Li on track, kept the temps happy and brought the house back to its former glory. Honestly, I'd say they deserve your thanks."

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