She doesnt desever him (Chapter 17)

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(Tessa's pov)

I was standing their in shock
"You have to leave before Mia see you"I said whisper yelling
"How do you have the guts to be here right now"I said
"Just give me the pizza and go"I demanded
"Ok well $20.14"she said
"Ok thanks and question why are you working here Madison"I asked
"You know I need a place to live and money so"she said
"Why have you been hanging out with jack lately?"I asked
"Because he's cool and he deserves Bette then Mia"she yelled so loud that Mia could here her
"Dude that's not cool stop she can hear you"I said
"That's the point"

Then Mia came around the corner
And you could tell she was shocked when she saw Madison

"What are you doing here?" She asked
"Well first off I was dropping of the pizza you guy ordered and just wanted to make sure and rub it in that me and jack are well dating"she said walking closer

Mia stood their a second and it looked like she was holding back the tears

"And you don't deserve him and he deserves better then you"she said getting in Mia's face .

All I could think is that Mia was going to bring her Old self out

"Johnson,hayes ,nash and Cameron we are going to need you"I yelled
The boys came out from the backyard

Mia looked at Madison for a minute then smacked her right in the face Madison fought back but before it could get to hectic the boy got in and stopped the fight cam and Hayes picked up Mia and Johnson and nash got Madison

"Let me at her she doesn't deserve him"Mia yelled
"Come on try to hit me b****"she yelled

Mia got out of the grip that hayes and cam had on her and punched Madison in the face and gave her a black eye and busted her lip but Madison also had so good swing but Mia won if we had to pick a winner because Madison had scratches and bruises and her face was pretty busted and Mia only had a black eye and busted lip and the side of her face was bruised but she was fine

"Mia calm down we know she doesn't deserve him"I yelled

Madison just stared at me with a mean look

"Get out of here unless you want to be in the hospital"nash told Madison

Madison ran to her car and drove off

"She doesn't deserve him she doesn't deserve him"she cried fall to the ground in Cameron's arms. she cried into Cameron's shoulder for a while
"We should clean you up"I said taking her to the bathroom

We went to the bathroom and cleaned her face up
"What got into you out there that was probably one of the worst fights I think I have ever seen you in"I asked her

"I don't know my adrenaline just kicked in and she doesn't deserve him and"she said trying to explain and started to cry again
"Hey it's ok he will realize what he did"I said
"I hope so "she said

We got on comfy cloths and ate and watched movies until 2:00am and we were all out.

(Brooklyn's pov)

We finely made it to New York and Hunter went to go check us into the hotel so I decided to call matt


"Hey we made it"
"Awesome so when do you want to hangout"he asked
"Oh I don't care when ever"I said
"Ok what about to night"he asked
"Um yeah we can do tonight"
"Ok good because I want you to meet Sophia"he said
"Ok well what time"
"6:00 sound good"
"Yep sound good see you then"
"Yep bye"

I got off the phone and Hunter got back in the car so matt wants to hangout tonight you in I asked him and he said yes so we went up stair and got ready it took us about an hour then we went down stair and Matt was down their with Sophia I was still not sure about his girl friend but I was still going to be nice to her. We saw Matt and Sophia and Matt introduced all of us she was so pretty and so far seemed sweet
"So where we going"I asked matt.....

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