I don't now what i am going to do (Chapter 38)

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(Tessa's pov)

We have been home for about a week and mia is finally out of her chair so we can finally go home. The guys left two days ago. So we were both going home today I got up and got comfy clothes on and said bye to my parents, it was good coming home and to see my family but we need to get home because I have a some modeling jobs coming up and mia needs to get Back to the studio. My parents took me to the airport and that's where we met mia and her parents. we both said bye to our parents one last time and we walked to go get on the plane we were both excited to go back home, we just talked about everything like her and jack and hayes and I. Hayes and I aren't dating yet but we do like each other or aleast I think he still likes me or I hope. I told mia that I thought about asking him out but then I also hoped that he would just ask me out. Mia told me to just ask him out when I see him next time and I think I am going to.after awhile I fell asleep.i woke up and we landed.

***off plane***

We both walked out and there were Nash, jack, and Cameron they were holding a sign that said our names on it so it looked like they were our limo driver or something.we both ran up and gave them hugs, for not seeing them in only two day I missed them so much.

***at home***

We got back home and mia and I unpacked and just sat their taking it all in again. The guys were coming over later so I was really happy hayes texted me since he wasn't their earlier to pick us up.

***Messages H-hayes t-Tessa***

H- hey I missed you 😙 even though I just saw you to days ago 😁 can't wait to see you tonight sorry I couldn't come earlier to pick you up.

T-hey it's fine I can't wait either and missed you a lot to😊😊😚

H-I have 2 people for you to meet I can't wait😜
T-yay!! New people lol ok I can't wait to meet your friends.
H-ok see you soon bye

***end of messages***

I can't wait to meet hayes friends I wonder if they are going to be as funny and outgoing like he is. I got a shower and changed into different cloths I did my hair and make up and went downstairs and started dinner for everyone. Before they got their.

(Mia's pov)

When we got home and I unpacked and jack stayed and talked to me while I unpacked. when I was down he had to leave but he was coming back later
"I am going to have a couple other friends with me is that ok?"he asked
"Yeah, can't wait to meet your friends"I said and then he left and I got a shower and got dressed did my makeup then went down stairs and helped Tessa finish dinner a told her that jack was going to have a couple other people with him she said it was okay and Hayes was going to have a couple of other people with him also. We were cooking and then Tessa got a text from nash asking if he could bring some more people we said yeah he could because everyone Else was, and we had enough food.

(Tessa's pov)

Everyone got here and their was a lot of people hayes and his friends weren't here yet but I was hoping that he would hurry up because I missed him and wanted to see him. Nash brought kain lawley and jc Cayley I talked to them for a few minutes and they were both really nice and funny. Jack brought skate and Sam I talked to them to and they were both nice and funny to. Finally hayes got there with this guy and this girl. They must just be friends right? Because he likes me right? Or does he? Hayes walked up and gave me a hug and introduced us.
"Hey this is daniel skye"he said pointing to the boy
"Hi Tessa" I said shaking his hand
"And this is Morgan"he said pointing to the girl
"Cool hi Tessa" I said smiling a little trying not to seem disappointed
"Yeah I wanted to tell you something"he said
"What?"I said laughing thinking that it was going to be really stupid or really good news that he was trying to make it sound like a mystery.
"Morgan and I are dating"he said and I was trying to smile then my smile faded
"Oh cool how do you guys even know each other?"I asked trying to hold back the tears
"Oh we have been friends forbever and she asked me out and I said yeah"he explained
"Awesome it was great to meet but I have to go really Quick but I will talk to you guys later"I said and walked away it felt like I was going to get sick I ran to the bathroom and just cried.

(Mias pov)

I was talking to jack, skate, Sam and Johnson when I saw Tessa
Run inside I ran after her and she was in the bathroom crying.
"What's wrong?"I asked confused because we just got home and I thought she would be excited to see hayes
"Hayes he..he.. He has a girl friend"She finally cried out
"Oh, it's ok sshh.."I said
"I thought he liked me"she said
"I know Hunny but there are a bunch of other cute funny guys out there right now you can find another guy because he found another girl"I explained
"Yeah I am NOT going to have this ruin my night" she said and we dried up her tears and we walked out and we all ate.

(Hayes pov)

Tessa was acting really weird I didn't know what was going on after I told her about Morgan and I she didn't act like herself around me or didn't even really talk to me she talked to kian like the whole night. She must like him. It was weird even daniel asked if she was okay, because I told him about her and how fun she is to hangout with but she acted different to night. We all ate and sat bye the fire . When it got dark kain and Tessa walked down by the water and I could not take my eyes off of them because if he hurts her then I will beat his face into the ground.

(Tessa's pov)

I was talking to kian like all night he is super cute ,nice and funny. When it finally got dark kain and I walked down to the lake and we just sat and talked it was so nice to get to know him. He was making me laugh really hard he finally picked me up and put me on his lap and acted like he was going to throw me in and I screamed. And yelled "if I go in, your going to" then hayes came running down and Morgan and daniel followed.
"Hey what's going on down here?"hayes asked worried
"Nothing just talking and he was going to throw me into the lake"I said
"Oh"Hayes said
"I thought you were hurt or something"he said
"No I am fine I can take care of myself"I snapped back not thinking
"Oh sorry"he said and walked away after that I felt really bad so I went chasing after him and they were about to leave.

"Wait hayes"I said before he got into his car
"What?"he said
"I am so sorry"I said apologizing
"For what, yelling at me or not talking to me all night, for making a fool of me in front of my friend and girlfriend"he yelled
"I am sorry"I said trying not to cry and he got in his car and rode off I went back to the fire not tying to think about it, kian made sure I was okay I said I was but to be honest I don't think I am? because he is one of my best friend so how am I not expose to talk to him I always talk to him. After awhile everyone left it was actually a fun night other then the fight with hayes I got to meet nice awesome people what I kind of regret was I didn't even get to know daniel or Morgan. Especially Morgan, I should have just gotten to know her instead of just thinking she was bad and a horrible person but all it does is make me look like a horrible person. I really don't know what I am going to do....

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