chapter 1

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Walking into the school was a lot more difficult then it sounds. I walked in and everyone was staring at me, well, less staring more weird looks, happiness, and sadness.

All eyes were on me until Mr.New kid walked in. His hot black and red plaid button up was aimlessly tucked into his country belt buckle. His blue jeans went perfectly with his leather cowboy boots.

The principal had a strict no hat rule and marching up to the new kid without warning he yanked the expensive looking black cowboy had right off the boys head, revealing slightly curly tips of dirty-blonde and car al colored hair

He looked around the crowd, his eyes lingered on me a second longer as he saw me in my outfit. I wore a nice plaid button up, shortsleeve shirt tucked into my blue jeans with a belt buckle I won from my frickridingb comatition that summer. My nice and less expensive cowboy boots were over top of my blue skinny jeans. My hair in perfectly natural curls and my hat sat in my locker. I had always been that way and in Montanah most usually saw it. I was just the only one at this specific school.

I didn't take a second glance and just turned to walk wlaway from him. I made it into the hall way that was always less crowded.

I bumped into a hard chest.
" nick, I realized.I still need you and I can't licve without you please take me back, it was a mistake." Jason begged.

" jason, I told you I was planning on breaking up with you anyway, you just saved me the trouble." I walked past him but he came in front again.

" nichole, I love you and I need you in my life, I can't live a day without you." We had gathered a crowed by now and they were all watching my moves. I saw new kid through my perferial vision.

"Say yes, say yes, say yes!!!" Was chanting through the hall I smiled sweetly and said," his about NO with a capital No!!! I told you I was done so leave me alone, I don't love you and your feelings are one sided, I told you a million times we aren't getting back together." I said my temper rising as I got some 'boo's'.

He stood up and tryed to take my hands but.I backed away, he grabbed them and I tried to yank them but he stood taller and pulled me into a forced kiss.

I tryed to shove him away when he was ripped from me by 3 of my best friends who happened to be guys. Jason pishes me to the ground and started yelling at me
" your a worthless peide of trash, I can't believe I fell for someone like you. Your nothing, I remember why I beoke up with you. You deseve to be single and lonley, thats all you'll ever be." He spat. He used to be my best friend before we were together, I felt full on pain as my heart broke to loose all hopes of our friendship. I got up and ran away from them and into my favorite spot behind to grove of trees in the edge of the soccer field.

I looked at the beautiful bushes and vines as i climbed behind them pulling the beautiful green leaves past my face. I climbed into my spot and cryed my heart out until o took out my mirror from my bag and wiped away my aweful looking mascara and left it if not knowing what would come next.

I splashed my face with some water from my water bottle and climbed out. I went into my first period class as I heard the bell ring.

I was still upset but he wasn't worth my tears anymore. My heart was broken again and I didn't want to fix it.

I forced myself to breathe and walkes in and sat down in my usual spot on the back. I noticed someone other then jason sat next to me. Cara sat in front of me and I leaned up to her,

" what's up?" I asked. She turned around d and looked concerned.

" your still gunna stay here for school after what happened?"

" yeah, I cried my tears that he wasn't worth, I was just hoping I wouldn't loose our friendship over the stupid break up. I'm glad luke, taylor, and drake were there to help." I responded thankful for there help.

" yeah, who knows what jason would have done." She responded.

I heard.a new voice from the right," hey, were are the texts books?" A nervous country accent said, his accent matched mine. It was from the other side of montanah.

" um, yeah, there over there in that stack of books over there, get the green one." I smiled sweetly at him.

" your the girl from the oincident with jason, right?"

" sadly, yes I was."

".right well see you around."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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