Chapter 1

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Today is finally the day. I'm starting to work for Mclaren today. Six months ago I applied for my dream job, working as Lando Norris' Social Media Manager. I will be working alongside Charlotte Sefton to manage Lando. I have loved F1 all my life so when the chance came along to travel the world working for Mclaren I jumped on it.

I'm heading to Surrey today to meet up with Charlotte and Lando to find out exactly what they would like from me as part of this job. The drive is 3 hours from my parents house so I need to leave at about 9 o'clock to get there for 12pm. Charlotte is letting me live with her near the factory for a few months until I find the right place for me to buy or rent.

It's almost the end of the winter break so I decided I wouldn't buy anywhere yet because in a few weeks I'm going to be travelling with the team and won't actually be there.

I arrived at the factory a bit early so I decided I would have a look around because I've heard about how amazing everything here is. At 12 I headed inside to find Charlotte. I spotted her straight away so I ran over to say hi. We've met a few times already but today will be the first time I meet Lando.

"Hi Charlotte, it's great to see you again." I said to her, pulling her in for a hug.

"The same to you y/n. I'm so excited to finally have you here working with me. Lando has just been pulled into a meeting with some of his engineers so he'll come and find us when he's done." She told me.

We decided that while we waited she would start to talk me through everything that would be required of me as part of the job. The job was exactly what I thought and hoped it would be: I will be taking photos of him at races and other events, I will organise any professional photo shoots Lando may need to do, I need to make sure that there is a theme to his Instagram feed to make it look professional, as well as communicating with fans. I also need to make sure that Lando posts enough of his own content onto his story.

1 hour later

"Hi y/n, it's great to finally meet you!" Lando said to me as he entered the meeting room.

"Hi Lando," I responded, trying not to fangirl as I knew I would be spending every day with him, "I'm so excited to be working with you too."

Is That All I Am?- Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now