The Lost

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Gumball turned to face his son Tristan, who was now cuddled into his father looking at the stars above them.

"Yes son?"

Gumball still having his arm wrapped around the small blue feline.

"How many stars are there up there?"

Gumball then smiled, as both cats stared back at the stars, its vast expanse painting the night sky in front of the two.

"Well kiddo, we really don't have a clear scope of just how many stars are up there, but let's just say the place value tables you guys do in school do not have enough zeroes to account for just how many occupy space."

Tristan's eyes expanded when he heard these remarks.

"That many?!"

"That many."


"Wow indeed little man, wow indeed..."

Gumball then glanced towards his watch to check what the time was.

The watch read 9:00 P.M.

"Well it's still early in the night, and we don't have to worry about a proper sleep schedule, it's not like there's an overabundance of schools and offices here right?"

The small feline chuckled.

"Right Dad."

"So let's go see if the others are up for another fire outside. We still got some berries your Mother and I picked a few days ago, we could have more S'mores!"

"You mean the same berries that made us abruptly leave due to a certain momma bear you and Mom ticked off?"

Gumball raised a claw and caught himself before he spoke, then transitioned to a contemplative expression, which gave way to a realization of what the blue feline brought up.

"Precisely that, you hit it right on the..."

Gumball then took one of his claws and touched the bridge of the little feline's nose.


This got a playful chuckle from Tristan.

"Alright then, let's get ourselves off of this rooftop sport!"

Gumball carefully guided his son down the shingles of the rooftop, but not before stopping in his tracks.

"Oh! Wait one second, hopefully they're still in the living room..."

Gumball moved over to the sunroof and peaked through the glass.

"Awesome, they're actually in a perfect position at the moment! Okay Tristan, want to see how your old man used to have fun?!"

Tristan eagerly trotted over to his father, careful not to trip on any of the shingles that were sticking out from the roof they were standing on.

"Yeah sure Dad! What are we doing?"

Gumball placed one claw up and used another to point to the chimney adjacent to both cats.

He then placed a paw on the back of the small feline to guide him towards the chimney.

"Okay, behind here..."

The small feline then came to the realization of what his father was alluding to, but once he saw the back of the chimney stack, it became crystal clear what he was about to do.

Behind the stack, were carefully placed water balloons.

"Dad....are you about to do what I think you're about to do?"

The Vacation: An Amazing World Of Gumball StoryWhere stories live. Discover now