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❝  we were both young when i first saw you

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  we were both young when i first
saw you. i close my eyes and the
flashback starts 


𝐈𝐓 𝐈𝐒 𝐔𝐒𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐄𝐓 in y/n her dorm room at night. she would just sit on her bed, listen to some music in her earpods while she reads a romantic book, enjoying the time for herself at one am. either that, or she is watching a cartoon or anime on her laptop, singing along in her head with the openings and endings of the show. just her regular late night activity.

however, on one night her usual night routine had stopped. the girl has no idea why it is suddenly so noisy next to her, but it makes her curious. when did the blonde boy decide that it was time to be noisy at this time of the night?

this is not what the male is usually like.

they have known each other for quite a long time now. they have been through a lot together, like fighting villains, working together for their work studies, hanging out with friends and training together. but being friends or anything was never in it for the two teenagers.

both of the teenagers are students attending a hero course at yuuei high school. they're in the same class, meaning they're also in the same dormitory as every class on u.a high school shares a house. y/n's room is on the third floor, next to her classmate bakugo his room.

ever since the students moved to another dormitory because they became second, and now third years students, the teachers would switch up the room arrangements so that everyone could have other neighbours for the year. they also made this happen so that some friends could be neighbours when they weren't before. for y/n, this means she was now on the beginning of the hallway, the first room on the right, on the third floor. that would make bakugo the owner of the second dorm on the right.

only this time the teachers didn't care about the fact that girls and boys would be on the same side and next to each other. they just switched it up and didn't care anymore. they figured that the students would be old enough now to not do anything inappropriate. they have other duties when becoming a hero.

at the beginning of this new layout, y/n wasn't all that happy with bakugo next to her. she thought he would be really loud all the time since he likes to shout on a daily basis too.

but to her luck, he is the complete opposite.

bakugo would get to bed at 8pm like he usually does. y/n already knew that from the previous years, since the students regularly hang out in the common area and the male never attends these kind of things. it's after dinner time, and bakugo just wants to sleep.

"you extras go and have some stupid fun, but i'll rest and become the greatest hero," is a response that came from bakugo his mouth one day when mina asked him why he doesn't want to spend time playing games with her and their other friends.

y/n thinks is stupid. you can't be the greatest hero if you don't spend time with friends. you can only come so far with training, but you also need friends and connections to make it big in the hero world.

but it's whatever. bakugo can do whatever he wants. except when it comes to y/n and her peace.

lately, the third year student has been hearing music coming from bakugo's room. she considered it being someone else, like jiro as she's also on the same floor, but it can't be anyone else than bakugo. y/n only has one neighbour and that's the explosion quirk male, katsuki bakugo. the room opposite of her is empty, and jiro is the one on the far end of the hallway, on the left side (so not the right side).

the loud music has been on for quite a few nights now and tonight isn't an exception, because at this moment all y/n can hear is a female voice singing her lungs out in the room next to hers.

the girl frowns and leans against the wall, closing her eyes. it still seems quite odd that her neighbour blasts music at this time of the night. he's usually fast asleep by now, so why did that change?

is it maybe the warmth during summer? that wouldn't surprise her, because the female has the same problem herself. during summer she can hardly fall asleep, if that's even possible as she barely sleeps anyway.

a small smile creeps upon y/n's lips as she hears the familiar sound of taylor swift her voice through the wall. her head bops up and down to the current song playing, that being 'wildest dreams'.

the small smile turns into a smirk when the female thinks about something. so bakugo listens to taylor swift? that's something she would never think of him, but what she can definitely use in her advantage.

the girl also caught him reading romance novels and mangas once, so maybe it isn't very surprising that bakugo is a bit of a softie sometimes.

the (h/c) haired female chuckles to her own thoughts and looks at her laptop screen. she has only two episodes left of the anime she's watching right now, so there is enough time to finish that tonight, as there is no point in her getting any sleep tonight.

when the girl is about to click play, the soft tunes of taylor swift changes to a loud noise coming from the other side of the wall. the sweet and happy taylor swift music has changed into something closer to a swearing kind rap or rock instead of the soft melodies that she doesn't mind listening to.

what is wrong with you, katsuki bakugo?

the female tries to ignore the hard sounds and starts playing the next episode of her anime. when she's five minutes in and she can't put her focus on the series anymore, y/n shuts her laptop with a loud sigh.

the music is just so damn loud.

is this guy kidding? he usually sleeps at this time of the night, so why does he need to blast rap music all of the sudden? does the guy want to piss y/n off or anything?

whatever it is, y/n certainly doesn't appreciate bakugo changing the soft melodies of taylor swift to some hard rap music and there is only one way to tell him that.

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