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❝  take me somewhere we can be alone, i'll be waiting

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  take me somewhere we
can be alone, i'll be waiting.
all there is left to do is run 


𝐁𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐆𝐎 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐒 𝐀𝐓 𝐘/𝐍 from his laying position on his bed. he sits up a little, leaning on his elbows while he looks at her.

"like that concerns you, extra. just get lost l/n."

y/n rolls her eyes and turns her full body towards the blonde male. "i might be able to help. why don't you tell me what's going on?"

y/n takes a few steps closer to the male that looks like he can kill anyone in an instant, that's how little he has slept the past few days. just a little sleep is all he needs.

the sleep deprivation girl finally meets bakugo's eyes again as she's stepping closer to him. his crimson ones look tiredly at her, and a hint of sadness is also found in his eyes, mixed with annoyance and anger.

y/n can see that bakugo just wants to go to sleep, but he really can't. he really looks so tired now that she's taking a good look at the male. it's weird to see, as it's bakugo that's the one that needs help. who would've thought?

after a long silence, bakugo speaks up; "didn't you want to watch your show?"

the girl rolls her eyes and crosses her arms again. if he wants to sleep he should be a little more grateful, now that she's at least trying to help bakugo out.

"it can wait. it's only two episodes and i have a whole night ahead of me. you need your sleep so might as well help you while i can, right?" she says, sitting down next to the explosion quirk male on his bed.

y/n turns her head towards bakugo and forces a small smile on her lips, "so tell me, why aren't you able to sleep?"

bakugo rolls his eyes at the girl her behaviour, but lays down on his bed anyway. if they're going to do this then he should at least try and relax or something.

the blonde hero course student places his hands on his stomach and closes his eyes, not wanting to look the girl in her eyes. it's already awkward enough for him.

bakugo takes a deep breath. is it really okay to tell his classmate about his dreams? he feels like such an asshole for telling her, because it's his fucked up mind and not anyone else's concern.

but on the other side, she is the one that asked him about it so that means she wants to help. and if she does, it might be okay for him to tell her.

after a deep sigh, bakugo finally starts to talk, making y/n look up from playing with her hands.

"every time i'm close to falling asleep, some cruel images flash through my brain. i can't fall asleep because of those images, no matter how hard i try."

y/n pouts her lips at his words. that seems like something she wouldn't want to deal with, and something no one should deal with.

the girl thinks for a little and then pushes bakugo a little, trying to make him scoot over. she pokes his sides and sticks out her tongue, munbling a 'come on' to him.

bakugo opens one eye suspiciously and looks at y/n, frowning at her actions. what the hell is she trying to do now?

but as the girl lays down next to him, bakugo finally does what y/n asks him to do and scoots closer to the wall with an even bigger frown.

"what the hell are you doing, you damn extra?"

"making myself comfortable," she simply says, turning her head a little so that she can look at him. a huge smile appears on her lips. "do you mind?"

"whatever," the blonde scoffs, turning his head back to look at the ceiling again. she'll leave soon so what the hell does it matter. it's not like she's going to stay.

plus, no one will know about this so it wouldn't really matter anyway.

it's silent for a little while between the two students. neither of the heroes in training say a word. the only sounds in the room are bakugo's breathing, and y/n humming the song 'talking to the moon' by bruno mars. bakugo almost forgot about what he just said, when y/n starts to speak again.

"what are these images of? are they moving images like videos or more like photos?"

bakugo sighs at her question, closing his eyes, not wanting to think nor talk about it. the images in his head aren't really something he likes repeating.

"both. sometimes they're moving and the other times it's just images of the same moving images."

"what are they about?"

bakugo almost chokes on his own spit when the words leave y/n's lips. he starts to cough loudly, trying not to choke for real. when he's finally done coughing, he wipes his eyes for the tears that leaked out of his eyes.

bakugo sighs, his head shaking from left to right as he thinks about it. "you're going to think that i'm insane when i tell you," he mumbles, closing his eyes again.

the (h/c) haired girl shrugs, placing her hands on her stomach, also looking at the ceiling. "i don't think i will."

she turns her head to the male and smiles at him, showing bakugo she cares. bakugo turns his head as well, looking the female into her (e/c) eyes.

"it might help if you tell me. not talking about it and keeping it for yourself often makes things worse," she says, her head moving back to the ceiling, the smile not leaving her lips. "whenever i feel unwell, i talk to either my friends or my stuffed animals. i know it sounds ridiculous but it really helps when you tell someone what's on your mind. it makes your mind get a little at ease, i guess. at least, that's what it does for me."

the male sighs and nods at her words, taking in everything she has said to him. he would feel like even more of a dickhead when he doesn't tell her.

"yeah, okay. but promise me you won't think differently of me when i tell you."

"i promise that i won't," y/n says, holding up her pinky finger. she turns her head to bakugo, who turns his head to her as well.

the girl earns an eye roll from the boy because of her proposal, but he links his pinky finger with hers anyway.

at least this means she won't think of her classmate differently, and that brings bakugo a little more at ease already.

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