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❝  so close your eyes and escape this room for a little while  ❞

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  so close your eyes and escape
this room for a little while 


𝐘/𝐍 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅 𝐀𝐍𝐃 pulls the covers over her and bakugo, taking her phone out of the pockets of her shorts. even though these are pyjama shorts, she still has pockets and she's so happy that she has them.

she's surprised that bakugo gave in to her proposal. never in her life would she think that the explosive boy would agree on sleeping next to her. they're not friends, just classmates, but he still wants her to sleep next to him. but you know, it might work. this way bakugo knows that y/n is safe and that she won't go anywhere.

well, back to her own room, but that's a concern for later. bakugo just has to go to sleep and then she'll see when she can leave.

when the girl gets her phone out, she makes sure to turn the brightness to the lowest it can get. she turns on her side to turn the light on bakugo's nightstand off.

"sleep well, angry boy. i'll be here next to you and i promise that i won't die."

this makes bakugo scoff, rolling his eyes. "whatever, l/n. sleep well i guess."

the girl smiles a little and nods. bakugo sighs and turns on his side, his back to the girl and his face facing the wall.

he closes his eyes, still scared to fall asleep. after a short moment, bakugo can feel his body relax. the frown on his face softens. the girl her presence really makes a difference. just hearing her typing on her phone, the soft breaths coming from her lips, they're all there. it makes him feel relaxed.

y/n is slowly scrolling through her instagram feed, trying to pass time while bakugo tries to fall asleep. she's looking at memes, sometimes chuckling slightly. she tries not to keep bakugo awake, but so far he hasn't complained, so she thinks it's alright what she's doing. he feels like he's more relaxed than before, which is good in her eyes.

a small smile forms around her lips when she feels bakugo's body relax even more. she feels the male finally drifting off to sleep. his breath becomes heavier and his muscles relax even more. y/n notices this and smiles proudly to herself. her plan worked.

for the explosive boy it's the same. there are no images that appear in his mind before he falls into his deep slumber, something he hasn't had in a long time. he's finally in a state of his sleep that feels good, that he can actually get some rest.

it feels like a small victory for the female. her neighbour is asleep and she can still see her anime and finish it. and after that, she might get her two hours of sleep for the night. or maybe don't sleep, because why would she? she doesn't need it anyway. the night is when she feels at her strongest.

when y/n is about to leave the bed so she can go back to her room, bakugo turns around. he's moving to his other side. he's now facing y/n's back, but wraps his left arm around her. the male pulls her body close to him, a soft sigh escaping his mouth.

the female widens her eyes at his actions. she feels bakugo's warm breath hit the exposed skin on her neck, making goosebumps appear on her cold body.

"fuck," she mutters to herself. there is no way that she can remove bakugo's arm off her, since he has a tight grip around the girl. that's something she always noticed about her classmate– he's really strong. and once he has something, he doesn't easily let go. whether that's a villain he's holding, or when they're training in class; he doesn't let go unless he has to.

y/n her breath hitches in her throat when bakugo starts to move again. he's now laying with his head in her neck. he seems to be in a deep sleep. y/n doesn't want to wake him up either, so there is only one thing that she can do.

stay here with him until there is an opening for her to escape.

after a long discussion with her own mind, y/n decides that's the best option for now. she places her phone on bakugo's nightstand. instagram is getting boring now, and she can't use it when he's holding her like this. she doesn't have a clear view of her screen anymore so it's way too much effort to look at the device.

oh well, she'll just make up fake scenarios in her head then. or maybe imagine how her anime will end.

yeah, her anime... she hopes that will have a happy ending.

y/n closes her eyes slowly and smiles a little, thinking about the couple in her anime. only those faces in her mind aren't the characters in her anime, no. they have the faces of her and bakugo.

so instead of thinking about the ending of the anime, she starts thinking about another romance instead, consisting of her and bakugo. the song 'love story' by taylor swift is heard in the background of her thoughts when she's dreaming about herself and her next-door neighbour.

soon, the no-sleep girl falls into a deep slumber as well, accidentally taking more than two hours of sleep for the night.

something she only does when she feels completely safe.

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