with the family

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Davina and freya were looking for ways to try and find a way to break the spell on their own

Alaric: is there anything else you can do (ask)

Freya: we're trying everything we can alaric can you at least give us some space and peace and quiet (says and he step back)

Alaric: maybe (says) I'll be back (says and leaves)

Davina: I hope the others are having better luck than we are (says and she nods)

With the others aka Amelia, klaus and caroline

Caroline: did we seriously had to come with him

Klaus: that him is standing right next to you (says annoyed with Caroline for the 4th time)

Caroline: oh I'm sorry I didn't know you seem invisible to me (says and klaus glares at her)

Amelia: would you two knock it off our children are literally in time somewhere we need to get them out (says)

Caroline: Amelia is right you need to get it together klaus you're acting like a four-year-old like always I see something hasn't changed about you over time (says) it's kind of sad that you're a father and you're acting like a child that needs attention 24/7 we get it you're lonely

Klaus: well at least I'm not a whore like you constantly going man to man I spent a thousand years on this Earth and not once have I played around with so many girls at once

Caroline: I'm sorry what, you dated my sister and yet you were screwing around with another woman so tell me how is that not too many girls at once

Amelia: ENOUGH (says and they stopped) look I get it you hate each other but stop bringing up the past we're in the present and our main focus is our kids and both of you need to stop bickering like children and start acting like adults please

Caroline: fine (says)

Klaus: I see a lot of tense around you two care to explain

Caroline: I'm not sure it's any of your business but since you want to know Amelia's baby daddy is in town

Klaus: I'm sorry what what do you mean her baby daddy I thought alaric

Caroline: he's the father of Lizzie and Josie and amber has a different kind of dad you might know him since you two were like best friends in the past

Klaus: please do not tell me you and the Ripper

Caroline: yep Stefan and his brothers and back along with the other crew

Klaus: how is it even possible to have a child with him he's a vampire and you are a vampire

Amelia: well technically I was still human when I had my kids but I don't know how it happened some people say since Lizzie was a Gemini witch she might have siphon a way for me to end up having another baby with a different man we don't know for sure

Caroline: yeah and when Amelia went to tell Stefan he wanted nothing to do with her or the baby because he was pining after the doppelganger bitch

Klaus: I see you guys went to best friends to enemies now (says) so is Bonnie with them too

Amelia: yes apparently she likes to be stumped over and likes to be Elena's beckon and call

Klaus: wow and I thought my family has so much drama going on

Caroline: well like people say just because you're powerful doesn't mean everything revolves around you

Klaus: so


The three turn to see Stefan Salvatore standing there

Amelia: Stefan what are you doing here

Stefan: we're in the woods where everyone is free to walk around in

Caroline: oh you're still on that animal diet still

Stefan: no I'm just taking a walk  just because I'm in the woods doesn't mean I'm hunting for animal I got off that diet a long time ago

Caroline: are you sure then why are you holding a dead bunny in your hand (ask)

Stefan: really Caroline this is not for me and besides I heard something about children in time

Klaus: why yes Stefan but it's not really your concern now is it

Stefan: if it involves my daughter I have every right to know what's going on

Amelia: like I told you before stefan she stopped being your daughter the second you disowned her

Stefan: and I'm back to make up for my mistake

Caroline: I'm getting the feeling the only reason why you want to step up as a father is because you don't have anything left to live for since Elena dump you from Damon and you can't stand to watch them together you need a distraction and Amber is the perfect one and I'm getting a feeling you're trying to make Elena jealous because she cant have kids and you want to rub it in her face because you were gifted with one

Stefan: Caroline you know me I would never do that

Caroline: well clearly I don't know you at all since I believe you were the better brother the kind one who would accept anyone but yet you can't accept your daughter

Stefan: Caroline please aren't you the one who says everyone deserves a second chance just give me a second chance to prove it I'll do right by her

Amelia: fine if you claim to want to be her father then do me a favor

Stefan: what is it

Amelia: does bonnie know any way to bring someone back from time, another way to do its

Stefan: I don't know but I could ask her

Amelia: great meet us at the school and if you bail it's over you will never see Amber again got it

Stefan: got it (says and speeds away)

Klaus: it's been a long time and never have I seen you guys have this much fire in you

Amelia: well when someone breaks your heart it turns them that way (says and leaves)

Klaus looks down

Caroline: look Klaus I don't like you for what you did to her in the past but it looks like Stefan is not the only one who's trying to do right

Klaus: I just want to say I'm sorry to her and I know that I don't regret doing what I did because hope brings out the good in me

Caroline: I understand she's your daughter and when you have kids it brings out the best in you and you want to do right by them so I think you should start doing right by your daughter when she found out about the cheating she was pretty upset you should talk to her before you talk to Amelia get things cleared up

Klaus: you're right thanks Caroline

She nods and leaves, Klaus thinks about what she said before heading back to the school

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