true self.. (Pt 2)

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Part two! Because the true self chapter is longer
Ik the last chapter didn't make sense bc I put that warning I thought I was gonna like do those stuff in the first Pt but I guessing I doing it in Pt 2
Might make a part 3...


$u!c!d@l thoughts!!! I promise they will be $u!c!d@l thoughts in here

Ships in this chapter!

-yantao (a little)

_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ this fanfic will have 100-900+ (rushed so expect grammar issue)

"I'm glad you came.."
Zhongli holding a cup with tea in it, He set some fire water on the table since he knew Childe liked the drink a little to much

"Seem like you brought my favorite how kind of you.. Even thought we only met in a week."
Childe walked over to Zhongli slowly but surely

Childe looked at Zhongli dead in the eyes, He grinned while Zhongli face stayed the same as ever.

"You're boring Mr. Zhongli." Childe broke the eye contact and sat on the table, the table was quite big, Zhongli look at him and smile a bit since this man have been trying to seduce him and threatened him a lot, it was kinda funny how he switch up on him.

Childe grabbed the bottle of fire water, he open it then just drank it from the bottle, Zhongli look in disgust that made Childe look at him in confusion

"Do you guys not drink from the bottle?" Childe looked at Zhongli while tilting his head

"Well yes but no one does it in front of me before." Zhongli grabbed a cup, a bottle and pour the wine that seem to be osmanthus wine in the cup

"That's boring isn't it? So why did you want to meet me?" Childe ask then drink from the bottle again

Zhongli place the cup on the table and look at Childe.

"To get to know your true self." Zhongli then pour the wine in the cup again

"Wow not to fuck me? How boring of you" He hop off the table and walk to Zhongli

"Hm.. Your lap seem comfortable may I Mr. Zhongli?" He ask

"I would not want you to sit on my lap Childe, I know this is a act and I know you feel uncomfortable if you do." Zhongli eyes was close while drinking the wine, He prefer tea but right now wine taste amazing

"Who said I would feel uncomfortable?" Childe slowly sat on Zhongli

"Now I want to ask you a question."
Childe stare Zhongli they were two close for comfort but Childe didn't mind same with Zhongli

"Go on" Zhongli slowly put his hand on Childe hips, I guessing Childe plan is working.


"Why did a kid looking ass holding a fucking spear?! Is that your kid?" Childe thought Xiao was gonna kill him though he wouldn't mind it since he has been stressing to much..

"Well yes, He really wanted to use a spear to protect me. I had to pay for consent to use the weapon though."

"What do you mean protect yourself you? Oh. He's your bodyguard aka your son?" Childe looked at him, they were still pretty close to each other but didn't at all realize it since it was comfortable somehow?

"No, but he insisted to be one.. I don't want to disappoint him." Zhongli didn't know how to care a kid? Then why did he adopt one??

Childe hop off of Zhongli and went to the another seat

"You're bad at taking care of kids, Well now why not we talk since you insist to."

After about 2 hours of talking him and Zhongli got along well though why did Zhongli put so much afford just to talk to him.?

"Mister Zhongli!!!!" A female open the door with excitement to much excitement that you can see stars in her eyes.? Was those contacts or something?

"Oh! Seem like you busy with someone" she winked, while Childe smirks "I was just trying to say can you do the work I have a date with yanfei.." she gave Zhongli puppy eyes. Childe thought it was Zhongli kid or something

"Hu tao, Your my manager aren't you supposed to do the work?" Zhongli didn't look mad at her at all "Well I'm your manager so you have to listen to me!" She exclaimed "Alright just leave it in my office.." Zhongli sigh "Thank you!!!" The girl walked out

"She seem young to be a manager?" Childe looked at Zhongli who still drinking the tea

"Well she is. She quite smart though." Zhongli place the empty cup on the table

"That's must be stressful to be a young manager, Well then! I think our little talk is over might as well go home" Childe stood up and walk to the door

"Wait." Childe turn around to see Zhongli face a little to close for comfort.

Zhongli grab his chin.

"This is to close. Too close.." he thought,Childe was flustered a little to flustered

Zhongli pull him closer, Childe slowly close his eyes

"Woah! Are you guys having a moment?" A similar voice, it was venti. Childe pull apart from Zhongli

"Well I here to pick up Childe! Since his manager, a close friend of mine asked me to!" Childe nodded and walked out the door,
Venti look at Childe going in the car and chuckle, he turn around to look at Zhongli

"Well morax what was that" Venti smirked at him

"I wanted to ask him if he would like to go to dinner with me but since you interrupted us I'll ask later at the studio."

"Well sorry to interrupt you asking him on a date!" Venti walked out the door and wave at him

"A date?"

Zhongli asked himself if it was a date or just inviting a friend for dinner for the whole day

984 words.

Oml I'm sorry I missed a week I literally forgot about this fanfic for God sake oml but since my online class started I might skip a lot of of weeks I'm sorry! I can't promise things
And excuse my grammar or spelling

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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