♥️ Chapter-25 ♥️ (the end)

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Kim Jong kook POV
It has been two months since the accident . Everything went to its own place , ji hyo become Mrs. Kim again , his house become a home , where he can feel the love of his family and the warmth of his angels . He feel really happy and the twins become PaPa' children. They are spoiled by him , he always spoiled them , he and Yon always act like a overprotective father and son toward Ji hyo and Deiji . His life is perfect now , dreams do come true .

"Appa , where is omma ?" His daughter asked him with her wide eyes .

"She is with her friends ,agei yah , remember that , your kwang Soo oppa and Su Bin immo are going to get marry next week so she is with Su Bin immo now " Jong kook said and Deiji nodded her head . Ji hyo is with Su Bin cause Su Bin want her to accompany her with her shopping and preparing wedding stuffs . He stayed with his babies and babysit them . 

Song Ji hyo POV

They went to shopping for Su Bin 's wedding . So Min got a day off from her work so she comes along . They picked up their dress . They really got a good time ,while laughing and talking about their lovers . She and Eun Hye became good friends after their talk. She always visited to her and Jong kook too , Haneul and his father are also good too . They opened a shop with Jong kook 's help , well , everything is fine .

"ennonie, you know ? What do you think about having another baby ? " So min asked and ji hyo raise an eyebrows . ' what , another baby ' . She never thought about that well ,until now . She doesn't think they need a baby right now , after all the twins are just four years and turn into five in next month .

"No , so min yah , twins are still young . A baby isn't a good task , you know ? " Yes , raising a baby isn't a good task .

"I just wonder , what if you had another baby . " So min said and ji hyo smiled at her . ' Another baby' .

Today is the wedding day ,  Ji hyo prepared the twins and then herself . She wears a red dress which reached her knees . Jong  kook also wears suit and red necktie which is matched with Ji hyo 's dress .

"OPPA , AREN'T YOU DONE " Ji hyo yelled from dwonstairs . Ji hyo has been these mood swings latey , and Jong kook didn't know why .

"Coming love " he came down and welcomed by Ji hyo 's glare .

"You are supposed to sing for them , oppa . Harry up " Ji hyo said and they went to the cars and Jong kook start the engine .

"You ok , ji hyo yah ? " Jong kook asked

"I am fine " Ji hyo said and Jong kook nodded his head . The twins are playing themselves .  They reaced to the place where the wedding held . They went to the groom and congratulates him .

"Congratulation , kwang Soo yah"Jong kook and ji hyo said .

"Ne, hyung , noona . Wow , deiji yah , Yon yah you two are really grown up . I can't believe this " kwang Soo said dramatically .

"Kwang Soo samchon !!" The twins yelled and hug him

Then ,they went to bride room . Jong kook said his congrats and took the twins with him to give the women a privacy .

"Ennonie , you ok ? " Su bin asked and ji hyo chuckled .

"Su bin yah ,I think I am the one who need to ask this question " Ji hyo said

"But she is right , ennonie . You look pale " so min said .

"I am all right , girls . Just I have a stomach ache these days " Ji hyo said and they tease Su bin for the rest of the hours . The wedding went well . They clapped when the groom kissed the bride . Ji hyo look at the scene and smiled at Jong kook who is returning her smile . Then , Jong kook went to sing a song .

(This is the person by Kim Jong kook ) 이사람이다.

Love at first sight , stories out of romance novels .

Who believes in such fairy tales .
(Jong kook looked at Ji hyo and sang the song , yes actually , he love Ji hyo when he laid his eyes on her )

There is no such thing as fate .

나 역시믿어왔조
This is somthimg I have always believed .

그댈만나기 전  까진
That was before I met you

It was a frustrating day

Walking to nowhere as usual

With nothing in mind

Passing by a crowd around me

But the time fronze when I saw you .

이사람이다 이제야찾아온사랑이다
This is the person . Finally here just for me , it is my love .

그냥 느낌으로알이말도안되지만
I just know it by my heart , it doesn't make sense

But it felt like I lived my life for this moment

이 사람이다
This is the person (ok , I will skipped the song )

Jong kook never leave his eyes throughout the song . He smiled at her and she returned the smile . They can hear the cheering voice . The bride and the groom look each other with love in their eyes. Jong kook returned and kiss Ji hyo's hands .
When the wedding was over , they went back to Jong kook 's house . Jong kook's mom and dad want to take their grandchildren for a while so Yon and Deiji didn't come back with them . Throughout the ride , Ji hyo feel dizzy . She didn't know why , Jong kook is checking her all the time and asked her is she ok and she always answered I am fine . When they reached their house , Ji hyo went to their room . She feel dizzy like the world is moving before she can entered the room , she feel herself fall and almost got hit with the floor then she feel herself wrapped around a mascular arm and then she black out .

Jong kook is pacing back and forth in the waiting room . Ji hyo fait and he didn't know why . He is worried sick about her . Then , the doctor came out from the room .

"Sir , how is my wife ?" Jong kook asked with worry .

"Um....... , Kim Jong kook ssi , seem like you need to make a nursery room in your house " Jong kook can't catch what doctor said for a moment then he grinned like a mad man .

"Oh... You mean... " Jong kook tried to said .

"Ne , Kim Jong kook sshi . You are having a baby . Congratulation " doctor said . Then , Jong kook thank doctor and went to Ji hyo 's room . He saw Ji hyo is awake .

"Ji hyo yah " Jong kook called and hold her hands .

"What does doctor say , oppa ?" Ji hyo asked . And Jong kook smile like an idiot and said .

"We need a nursery room , Ji hyo yah " Ji hyo has the same expression as Jong kook when he heard from the doctor .

" OMG , oppa ! " Ji hyo yelled in surprise .

"Yes , we are having another baby , Ji hyo yah " Jong kook said hug her . Then , the room crack open and reveal the twins and their family .

"Omma , you ok?" Yon asked and ji hyo and Jong kook gave their babies kiss

"I am ok , sweetie " Ji hyo answered and saw that everyone has a worried expression on their face.

" Well .... Deiji yah , Yon ah , omma , appa , father-in -law , seoung mom ah , we are having another baby " Jong kook said and hye soon is jumping , Jong kook's dad and ji hyo's is crying , Seung mom is grinning . But the twins held a confusion expression.

"You two are going to become  big brother and sister " Ji hyo said and smiled at them .

"Wow !" They yelled. Jong Koo and ji hyo chuckled at their cuteness  . Finally , they have their happiness . Jong kook kiss Ji hyo 's cheek and stare at her eyes .

" Thank you for marrying me " Jong kook whispered . Life is full of suprised.


Hi everyone , ok this is the final . Thank you for your supports . ♥️♥️ Love you all♥️♥️ . I will update my new story soon . Thank you ♥️♥️

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