Lotte World

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Mia's POV

Just after we went to the Aquarium yesterday, we went to a restaurant and ate. After that we went home. I didn't bother to change since I was very tired. As soon as I entered the dorm and laid down on my bed, I fell asleep.

There was this stupid thing that I dreamt of last night. It was about a unicorn on a bridge and I was on top of it with a wand and this stupid gown. Yeah.

I woke up by the sounds of someone singing in the shower. I was fine with it since I was planning to wake up soon anyway.

I sat up. I grabbed my phone and started to check my instagram. I heard a groan to my left and saw Tori starting to wake up. "Good morning" i said. "Morning" she said back. She took her glasses and put it on.

Just then Jade went out from the shower with her towel in her hair. "Have you seen Eya?" She asked. "No we just woke up."

And as if on que, Eya came in through the door. "Good morning!!!" She said happily. No one responded. "Edi wow, anyways, today is a free day and we can do anything we want to do today, and I have decided that we should go to an amusement/theme park here in Seoul." She said.

Finally a free day. I wanted to go shopping with Tori on a free day but an amusement park sounds really fun... "So hurry up and get ready!" She said. "What about breakfast?" Jade asked. "We will get Mc Donald's on the way." Eya said.


"They're going to have a free day today guys" luhan whispered. "Where are they going?" Chanyeol asked.

Luhan, Tao, and Chanyeol were currently eavesdropping on Crescendo. They were in the room next to the girls.

Luhan pressed his ear on the wall. "Amusement park" "which amusement park?" "... They haven't said it yet"

"How about we go to Lotte World" they heard Eya say. "... Yeah sure, I've heard... About... Place..." Mia said but he couldn't quite get the other words.

"Lotte world guys take note of that" Luhan said.

"Everyones ready?.... Let's go..." Eya said and they heard the door being opened then shut. "They're going now... Let's wait until they go down" tao said.

After about 2 minutes they went out. They hurried to their dorm. Kai and Sehun was there. "What's up?" Kai asked. "We're following crescendo to Lotte World" "isn't this their free day?" Sehun asked. "Yeah so? We're just stalk- spying on them" chanyeol said.

"You guys coming?" Luhan asked Kai and sehun. The looked at each other for a while and nodded their heads. They went to their car.

"I'm driving" Kai said. Chanyeol rode shotgun. And they went straight to Lotte World.

Crescendo POV

"Wow" mia breathes as soon as she steps in the place. Eya has excitement in her eyes and so does Jade and Tori. There was this HUGE castle right infront of you when you go in.

They could already tell that it would be more magical at night. Eya gave them their tickets and dragged them to a colourful roller coaster. Jade shook her head but Eya insisted.

They lined up the queue. And when they got in, Jade immedietly sat next to Eya. Mia and Tori sat right infront of them. They buckled up and waited for the ride to start.

"Jade if you're going to throw up, throw up on your left ok?" Eya said. "Yeah yeah" Jade replied.

Just then, they started to move. Mia and Tori squeeled with excitement. They went up. It was a long way which just built up more excitement towards them. When they reached the top part, mia screamed. "Dude, we're not going down ye---" Tori was cut off by her scream when they went down.

Mia beside her was screaming like hell while she just laughed... And also screamed.

Eya was clearly enjoying the ride... And surprisingly so did Jade.

When the ride ended they went out to find more rides. "What abouuut, the merry go round?!" Eya said. "Yeah!!! Let's go!!!"Tori said. "Seriously?" Mia said. "If you don't wanna go, then just take pictures of us" Tori said while rushing to the merry go round.

The operator gave them strange looks when he gave back their tickets. Eya went straight to the pink horse while Tori went to the one beside it.

When the ride started, mia and Jade started taking pictures. "I wish tao was here....or any of the Exo members" she said the last part fast.

"Wait, you like him?" Jade asked. "N-no" mia blushed. "Oh cmon its no use hiding it from me now" Jade said.

"Fine! I do like him" Mia said. "Haha!" Jade replied.,

When the ride was over, Eya dragged them to this huge Ferris wheel. It wasn't as big as the one in London Eye but it was still big. They lined up and waited for the ride to start.

They were now here in Lotte world and they were finding the girls. They all wore masks and sunglasses so that no one would recognise them. But not that much that they will look like criminals hiding from the police.

"Guys, they're on the merry go round" tao said. They all went casually towards the merry go round so that no one will see them.

They spread out and watched the girls carefully. They noticed that only Tori and Eya are riding the merry go round while Jade and mia are just taking pictures of them.

Then after that they followed the girls to the Ferris wheel. They decided that they should also ride it. There was a long queue infront of the Ferris wheel.

And now since they were separated, they wouldn't be able to ride it together. But with a girl.

The operator paired them up with different people. Since two can only ride in one of the box things.

When Kai went inside he was paired with a girl whom he wanted to be with and was the reason why he went here. Or was it.

When the ride started they were silent the whole time. Then the girl removed her glasses. It wasn't Eya. It was this girl whom he never met before.

She was just busy with her phone not minding Kai. But once she looked up at him. He thought she recognised him but he didn't. She just continued to play with her phone.

When the ride ended they went out. Kai noticed that the rest of the boys, and girls are gone. But he found them going to the Anchors away ride.

As usual the boys were casually spread out and not in their group. They were now heading to the anchors away ride.

"Who knew spying would be so hard." Luhan said to sehun. Sehun just smiled at him and continued to walk.

Crescendo POV

"Let's try this one" Eya said Tori nodded her head in agreement. But mia and Jade was shaking their head.

They ended up riding it. Seems like only Eya and Tori enjoyed it. Mia and Jade looked like they are about to throw up.

Mia recovered from this when she saw a huge stuffed panda. She went directly toward this and she was told that she needed to shoot the rings in the blue bottles in order to get the panda.

She did it well but missed one. But the operator gave the panda to her anyway. She hugged it and squeeled while jumping up and down like a little girl.

"Can I hold it?" Tori asked. And Mia lent her stuffed panda to Tori. "What's its na even?" "... Maybe Tom" Mia. "Tom? It looks like a girl" Tori. "I'm still going to name it tom" Mia. "Okay, hi tom" Tori said while Palying with the hand of the stuffed panda.

"I want one too" Tori said and gave the panda back to mia. She went to the booth and saw a turquoise teddy bear, the same size as Mia's panda with a channel mark on its hip. Tori fell I love with the bear and wanted to get it.

She payed and did the same things mia did. And she got it. The operator gave it to her with a wink but she ignored it.

She hugged the huge bear and they went to the food court to eat.

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